Chapter 15

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Grace POV:

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I slowly sat up in my bed. My eyes danced over towards the small clock on the bedside table.

9:23 a.m

I tossed and turned all night after the realization I had come to yesterday. I felt guilty knowing that I had a crush on the person who killed my pack, but I couldn't help it. The mate bond was slowly forming and soon I won't  be able to fight it. And that's what scares me so much.

All night I kept going back and forth thinking about the 'what ifs' and the 'if this wouldn't have happened' trying to justify my liking towards Arsen.

Leaning my head against the head board I tried to gather all my thoughts before I would go downstairs.

Okay Grace, keep your head straight, don't make eye contact with him, and your crush will slowly go away.

I can do that right?

Catalina snorted. That's your dream sweetie, the attraction will only build up.

Groaning I trudged towards the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Standing outside the kitchen door I gave myself a quick pep talk. This is it Grace, do as we said we would.

Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open. And to my surprise and disappointment Arsen wasn't there. The kitchen only had a few lingering pack members grabbing something to eat before heading back to where they were before or to school.

Wait. I was not disappointed about Arsen. I'm happy. I should be happy. We need to avoid him.

Where is he anyways though?

Snap out of it Grace. Shaking my head I walked deeper into the kitchen towards the pantry. As I was rummaging through the granola box I heard a sneer and a nasally voice speak from behind me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ms. Rouge, honey a word of advice, any clothing you try to wear will never impress Arsen. He has eyes only for me. So stop trying so hard." Barbie from training said with a smug look on her face.

Turning around to face her I put on the sweetest fake smile I could muster and replied back, "Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure the few pieces of tiny clothing you have on wont suffice either. And that caked makeup sure does seem like you're the one trying hard for the attention. I think you're in the wrong place. Shouldn't you be lingering in a street corner somewhere? I'm sure you'll be given all the attention you want over there." I said with a smug smile.

She gasped and gave me the biggest scowl ever, before she could open her mouth to reply, Derek walked in, from the look of distaste on his face I could tell he didn't like her either.

"Lacy, I think I saw one of your stilettos out in the living room, a few of the pack girls are fighting over it."

Gasping she quickly ran out of the room while Derek laughed.

"There is no stiletto. But from the way your face looked I'm guessing the two of you weren't making plans to hang out soon." Derek said smiling.

"Oh no, you've got it all wrong, we were planning a lovely sleepover for tonight!" I exclaimed sarcasm leaking through my tone.

"Who's going to a sleepover?" Said a new voice that belonged to Matthew.

Both Derek and I burst out laughing at his question. Grabbing a chocolate granola bar and a bottle of water I gave Derek a pat on the head which he swatted away and yelled out a goodbye to Matthew who looked confused as ever before making my way upstairs again.

As I walked past Arsen's bedroom I slowed down as I heard coughing coming from his room.

Was he sick?

Go check on mate! He always helps us out when we're hurt! Please Grace.

Before any roaming thoughts could cause me to change my mind, I quickly knocked on his room door.

"Who is it?" His voice croaked.

Clearing my throat I replied, "Uh, it's Grace. Can I come in?"

I heard a light shuffle before I heard him say yes.

Slowly turning the knob I walked in. A grey colored room filled my eyesight. His room was huge. A large plasma screen Tv was on the wall, in alignment to dressers. To the side there was a window seat and a book shelf near by with a few small seats sitting. around.

Arsen's scent lingered in the air as I examined the room. My eyes soon came across a king size bed where a pale Arsen was laying down.

Walking closer towards him I reached his bedside.

Feeling awkward and not knowing what to say I avoided eye contact.

"Is there something wrong Grace?" He asked, with slight worry in his tone.

He's probably wondering why the hell I'm here when I've been trying to escape this place since I came.

"Yeah, I heard you coughing as I was walking by your room. I thought I'd check in to see if anything was wrong." I said looking into his eyes for the first time clearly.

An unknown emotion passed through his eye, before it quickly went away. He gave me a small smile before answering. "I have a small cold, it's nothing.

Before I could answer he began coughing again.

Quickly taking the cap off the bottle that was in my hand I brought the water to his lips. He took a few sips of the water before shaking his head.

"Thanks." He said as he regained his breath.

I gave him a small smile. "I'll go make you some soup that my mom used to make me when I was sick. It really did the trick." I said.

Before I could turn Arsen grabbed my hand. Shocks ran through my skin as his hand came in contact with mine.

"Why are you doing this for me Grace? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?" He said curiosity lacing his tone.

"Arsen, you literally saved my life, carried me twice to the pack house when I was injured, and made me feel comfortable here. You could've thrown me in a cell if you wanted but you didn't. You've done so much for me. Me taking care of you is nothing compared to what you've done." I said squeezing his hand.

He simply looked at me before a smile broke out on his face.

Smiling back I let go of his hand and began walking out of the room and back into the kitchen where I began cooking the soup.

Guess my plan to avoid Arsen today didn't go so well.


Hey guys!

Oh my gosh, thank you all so much for 1K reads! Couldn't have done it without you guys!

Hope you all like this update.

See you soon!

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