Chapter 10

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Grace POV:

Twigs snapped under my shoes as I continued through the forest. I had no idea where I was going and what I was going to do now that I had escaped. I rubbed my chest where my heart lay, the pain there was so intense. I didn't even understand why I was feeling pain in the first place.

Maybe because Arsen never did anything wrong to you since you've gotten here. He's been nothing but kind. Why can't you just forgive him.

That was the first time in two days that Catalina has spoken to me. Ever since I left she has taken refuge in the back of my mind refusing to speak to me.

I had been wandering around for almost two days. I wasn't sure if I was even out of Arsen's territory yet, it looked like I was on the far edge of it where nobody ever came where it was isolated. I came to a stop as soon as I saw a large oak tree where I could sit and rest for the night. I had been walking for 2 days not knowing where to go at all. I set down my small bag of items and started to gather twigs and sticks to begin a fire. As soon as I had enough I took out a match box from my bag and lit a fire. I sat nearby staring into the blazing flames as my thoughts consumed me.


I pushed my legs farther as my breath came out in small pants as I ran. I dodged whatever came in the way as I continued running. The only thought in my mind was that my pack was dead, my parents were dead, and there was nothing left for me there.

My bothers words rang through my head. "Run Grace! Just run and don't turn back."

As soon as I couldn't hear any more commotion and made sure I was far away from my territory I tumbled to the floor and broke out in sobs.

I mourned everything. I mourned the loss of my amazing family, I mourned the loss of a strong and loving pack, and, I mourned over my best friend. I had nothing anymore. I was alone without anyone. After crying endlessly for hours on the dirt floor I collapsed from exhaustion in the dark and lonely woods.

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of birds. Still groggy, I looked around wondering what I was doing in the woods. Why am I here? Did I stay out too late. Suddenly reality crashed back into me as I remembered what happened. My family was dead. There was nothing left of my pack. And the reason behind it was Arsen Hall.

A monster. A murderer.

I realized then I couldn't stay out here in the woods. Anybody could be out here. Danger could still be lurking. Arsen could be lurking.

Go into town and by a few supplies.

My wolf Catalina weakly mumbled

Following her commands I slowly I got up wiping the tears from my eyes. I walked aimlessly around the woods until I came across a stream. I kneeled down and stared at my reflection in the dark water. My eyes were red and bloodshot from all the crying I had done and my hair was disheveled. Grabbing some water from the stream into my palms I splashed some onto my face. When my face looked clean enough I combed my fingers through my hair until it was tamed.

Slowly I got up and began walking and walking until I finally spotted a town.

'Welcome to Brownsville! Population of 4,628' read a huge sign. Cars flew past me as I stood on the side of the road. I had never heard of this town before. Had I really gotten so far from my territory?

You ran for 7 hours straight. You're no longer in the town near your pack. You're miles and miles away. Consider this a strength. You're away from danger.

Finally understanding my situation, I started walking towards a gas station. I patted my pocket to see if my wallet was still in tact from before the attack. Feeling the smooth leather under my palm, I pulled it out and opened it.

5 smiling faces stared right back at me. 4 of those faces I would never see again. In the picture stood my lovely mother and father, my fathers hand around her waist as their eyes twinkled. Next to them stood a smiling me laughing at her brothers scowling face. And next to him stood his glowing mate with a mega watt smile.

The memory is clear in my mind. Last years Christmas that we had spent at the family cabin. The happiness was so clear, everything was perfect. And just like that. Everything was ripped away from me in a matter of minutes.

Closing my wallet and wiping a few stray tears from my eyes, I lifted my head and started my walk towards the station, not knowing at all what was in store for me.

Flashback over

I shook my head snapping myself out of the faze I was in. I felt something wet on my cheeks and realized it was my tears. Not bothering to even wipe them, I let them fall freely as I once again mourned the death of my family.


Hey guys!

It's lia for those of you who may have forgotten.

I know I'm a horrible person for not updating for a whole month but school was ending and I needed to get my grades together and end strong.

So now here I am, on vacation.

I hope you all enjoy this update, you got a little glimpse into Grace's past.

We still don't know what exactly went on the day of the attack...muwahaha.

See you all soon!

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