Chapter 3

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Grace POV:

I didn't want to turn around. The voice held so much authority, I feared I would be recognized.

"Turn around rouge!" The voice roared.

Slowly and cautiously I began to stand up but I didn't look up. Please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me, please don't recognize me. I chanted over and over again.

So much for my wolf alerting me someone was coming.

"Look up at me rouge! You will show me respect! I am higher than you and I won't hesitate to end you!" The same man growled.


I slowly began to lift my head and I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes. He was tall. Not to mention attractive. Next to him was standing an equally attractive man. They both looked the same except Asshole #1 had brown hair and Asshole #2 had blonde hair.

"We won't ask you again. Who are you and what are you doing on this land?" Asshole #2 said.

Their voices both held power, but not enough power for either of them to be an Alpha. Perhaps the betas?

Having Alpha blood in me didn't help. My wolf didn't like the disrespect.

Taking a deep breath I finally replied and said "I am here to see the territory of the Crescent Moon Pack"

"Why? This pack was killed three years ago, no survivors." He asked suspiciously.

He was onto me. Quickly I thought of an excuse that I hoped would work. " I came here a week ago and I think I forgot something here." I said with ease.

"You can't trespass on this land. It is the property of the Alpha of the Dark Shadow Pack."

I was shocked. This territory was claimed?

"I'm sorry this territory was claimed? Didn't it belong to the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack?"I asked

As if he sensed the anxiousness in my voice he narrowed his eyes at me and scrutinized me.

I felt small under his gaze, but I couldn't show him any weakness.

After an agonizing few minutes he finally replied. "This pack was claimed three years ago by the Alpha of the Dark Shadow pack after he killed off the pack prior. Even though the land isn't used you can't roam around here."

He then turned to Asshole #2, "Mind Link the Alpha and tell him to get here ASAP." 

I was screwed. So screwed. What if the Alpha recognized me? I had been to events with Alphas from all over. I didn't want anyone to know I had survived. I'd rather let them believe I was dead.

Since both of them were distracted I slowly began inching backwards. Taking small steps, making sure they wouldn't hear me. As soon I was far enough I would make a run for it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Blondie barked at me.

I tightly pinched my eyes not wanting to open them. I was so close.

No you weren't. Just stay there and wait for the Alpha unless you want to get killed.

So now my wolf decides to speak up. Thanks Catalina.

"The Alpha is on his way." Asshole #1 informed.


"You. Stand here and don't make a sound." Blondie growled as he held my arm in a tight grip.

I simply complied since I knew there was no way out of this.

I sense someone coming. He's almost here.

Catalina murmured with a hint of excitement in her voice.

That was weird. Brushing that off, we awaited his arrival.

Soon I heard footsteps nearing as leaves crunched under his shoes.

Suddenly, I smelt the best thing ever. I could smell it all day. Words couldn't describe the scent. It was intoxicating.

I kept my head down but I saw his footsteps approaching us.

"What's the problem Nick?" A gruff masculine voice said

The Alpha

I wanted to look up so bad. But I didn't.

"Alpha, we found this rouge trespassing the former territory of the Crescent Moon Pack." Asshole #1 informed.

He didn't reply to him. Instead his attention was focused solely on me.

"Look up." He commanded.

I didn't look up.

"I said look up." He said with a edge to his tone. As if daring me to defy him again.

Slowly, I looked up. My brown eyes locked with his green ones.

I gasped. It was him.

The same face I will never forget.

The face that has haunted me for the past three years.

The only person I've ever held deep hatred towards.

The killer of my family and pack.

I couldn't look away. Neither could he.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours, neither of us breaking eye contact.

My wolf was repeatedly trying to tell me something but I ignored her.

It wasn't until he uttered the next word that I finally realized what she was saying.


That's all it took for me to run.


There you all go! Anotha one.
Hope you guys enjoy this update.
I'm excited for the next chapter. Grace and the mysterious alpha will finally meet and talk.

Until next time! (:


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