Chapter 9

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Grace POV:

My leg shook consistently as I stared at the clock. I hadn't come out of my room since my argument with Arsen and he hadn't made an effort to talk to me. It stung that he didn't come to see or check on me after the revelation, but I shouldn't care. I had indirectly told him that I could never accept him, and I meant it.

Why are you so cold to mate? He is making an effort and you're making it harder for the both of you.

I sighed as Catalina scolded me. I could hear the hurt and anger in her voice. It's wasn't fair of me to deprive her of her mate, but I just don't  have it in me to be around Arsen.

Standing up, I began walking towards the bathroom but before I could make it there a knock sounded on my door and Macy's head popped in. She gave me a smile, and I returned it.

"Hey, I thought I would check up on you before going to bed. You left so suddenly during breakfast and I hadn't seen you or Arsen since." She said keeping her gaze fixed on me.

I put on a poker face to make sure she couldn't see any of my emotions before replying, "Yeah, I didn't feel too good after that so I decided to rest."

"For the whole day?" She said chuckling. I forced a smile on my face before silence took over the both of us.

Before I could say anything, Macy beat me to it. "Look Grace, I know my brother isn't perfect but please give him a chance. If you think I haven't noticed how you two are always tense around each other then you must think I'm stupid. You guys may have problems now, but I just want you to know the having a mate is one of the best feelings in the world. Once you find that person you feel complete. Arsen hasn't had it easy for the past years and you being there for him could take him out is the hole is is slowly falling into."

After she said that I looked into her eyes and I could see the hurt and sadness shining in them.

Does Macy have a mate? How come I've never seen him?

"You're probably really confused as to why I'm saying this but I just want you to know that you shout cherish your mate before it's too late. There are no second chances Grace." Macy said before turning away to stare out the window.

Not wanting to leave her hanging, I turned to her and said, "Why do you make it sound as if you've had a mate and experienced this? Did you have a mate Macy?"

Macy gave me a sad smile before replying, "That's a story for another day, I'll see you tomorrow Grace, good night."

Giving her a small smile, I watched as she left my room. I walked back towards the bed and took a seat. Can I really do this? After everything Macy just told me can I still leave? Questions flew through my mind causing me to have a headache. No Grace, you're still leaving. Remember, no attachments.

I gave a loud sigh before walking back towards the door again. I quietly opened the door to see Arsen walk into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Deciding the coast was clear I walked back into the room after locking the door behind me.

Grabbing my bag, I walked towards the window and opened. Sitting on the window sill, I took my bag that was in my hand and threw it onto the ground below me.

I took a peek below me and realized how big the fall really was. Pinching my eyes, I counted to three before jumping.

The wind blew on my face and through my hair. Before I knew it, I landed on the ground with an oomph. After feeling that all my bones were in tact and not broken, I got up and walked towards my bag that was lying on the floor.

Before taking a step forward Macy's word replayed in my mind again.

There are no second chances Grace

I took a look  back at the house and then looked outside at the forest in front of me.

Could I do this?

Taking a quick glance at the window a few windows down from mine, I saw the silhouette of my mate paving the room. Glancing down at my bag my eyes caught the frame which held the picture of a very happy and smiling family. I would do this for them.

Hoisting my bag on my shoulder, I pushed the hair out of my eyes and began running.

I fought the urge to look back, something in me was begging for me to not leave. It was as if a magnetic force was trying to get to back to the house.

This is for the best Grace. Keep walking and don't look back.

With that said, I continued on through the forest in the dark night with a heavy heart.

And not once did I turn back.


Hey guys! I decided to do this update for this week a little earlier. I can already tell this week is going to be busy for me so I decided to give the update a little earlier!

Hope you guys enjoy!

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