Chapter 11

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Arsen POV:

One step forward, another step back.

I walked into my room and slammed it shut as I paced around my room.

God she made me want to pull my hair out. Why didn't I realize it sooner? Of course she was the missing daughter. She had the name, she looks the same but with sharper and more dominant and mature features now that she's older now.

I can't believe she's a part of that pack.

She's still mate. We will love her regardless. My wolf said.

Stupid love sick puppy.

Will I actually be able to love Grace? She is a part of the pack that is responsible for my fathers death. She's basically one of them. We both have so much baggage. How would we even make this work?

She doesn't seem to be too fond of you conscience taunted.

That I knew. She hated me. I killed her pack and her family. If there was an award for most complicated set of mates it would be given to Grace and I. We were both stuck between a rock and a hard place. We both had our own demons and pasts.

I shouldn't care for her. She shouldn't mean anything to me.

The problem is, I care. I care a lot. More than I should. The bond is developing so quickly right before us. It won't be long till either of us can fight it.

Before I could torture myself even more with all this thinking my wolf began pushing through my mind, yelping as if he were trying to tell me something.

Mate! Mate! Go check mate! Go!

Sensing the urgency through his voice I got up from my bed and started towards Grace's room. A heavy feeling was on my chest as I was walking towards her room. Little by little my steps became faster as I came to a halt in front of her room.

I knocked on her door once. No response.

I knocked again. "Grace? Are you in there? Can I come in?" I asked trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

Feeling desperate I went for the doorknob praying it wasn't locked.

It wasn't.

But that's not what I cared about. Her room was empty. Nobody was in there, all her belongings gone with her window wide open.

She was gone.

I was alert, angry, worried, and determined and my wolf felt exactly the same.


"Matthew! Nick! Come here quick to Graces room." I commanded through the mind link

"What's up man?" Said Matthew as both him and Nick appeared in Graces room within seconds.

"Grace escaped. Wind up our best men and get ready, we're leaving as soon as we can to get my mate back." I said feeling more agitated by the minute. Soon Matthew left to go inform the pack men and wind up supplies.

"Hey, Arsen, calm down man, we'll find her." said Nick as he gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Right then a sleepy Macy walked into the room. Seeing all the commotion her eyes went wide with curiosity and worry.

She quickly walked towards me, "Arsen? What's going on? Where's Grace? Why are all the men from the pack getting ready to leave."

Running a hand down my face I mumbled my response, "Grace left, we're leaving to go find her and bring her back."

Her eyes went wide. "She's gone?!" She shrieked. "Find her! Arsen it hasn't even been two days!"

Before I could reply Matthew walked in and glanced around until his eyes landed on Macy. She too froze and stared at him before quickly shifting her gaze. Pain was evident in both their eyes as they avoided eye contact.

What was up with that?

Brushing that off, I looked towards Matthew and asked if all the men were ready to which he responded with a nod.

As soon as all the men were wounded together I barked my orders and we all shifted and bolted into a sprint.

Time to go get my mate back.


Another update yay!! I hope you his liked this glimpse into Arsen's thoughts.

Please leave feedback, it really helps!

Until next time, au revoir! (Bye in French)

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