Chapter 27

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Arsen POV:

"Two fruit punches." I told the person attending to the drinks.

He nodded his head and walked over to get the drinks. I took that time to check my phone for any emails and notifications.

I was so glad that the pack accepted Grace. I felt complete and so happy.

God I loved that girl.

Yes love. I knew I was falling for Grace since our date but I was sure of it now.

It's a matter of time before I told her. I wanted it to be special.

I suddenly felt a pat on my back. I turned around to see the faces of my best friends.

"Congrats bro, it's official now, she's accepted in the pack." Nick said.

"She's going to make a great Luna." Matthew added on smiling.

"I'm glad everything's finally over and we can be happy." I said relieved.

"You got that right. I remember when she didn't even want to be in the same room as you. You've come a long way." Matthew said chuckling.

I nodded remembering the first time we met and how she tried to run from me.

Our attention was averted to a lady who held out mine and Graces drinks towards me on a tray.

"Thanks." I said grabbing the drinks. I bid my goodbyes to the guys and turned to find Grace.

I looked to where I last saw Grace and didn't see her. I set down the drinks and began walking around the hall, trying to catch sight of her.

I noticed Macy and Sarah chatting with my mom and went over towards them. "Do you guys happen to know where Grace is?" I asked them.

"I saw her walking out of the hall, I thought that maybe she needed some fresh air." Sarah said.

I nodded my head and walked outside the hotel. I followed her scent and came to the side of the hotel where there was a fountain.

I ran towards the fountain where I saw her fallen clutch on the floor and a note next to it.

We've got your mate Mr.Alpha. Come and get her. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her now would we?

I crumpled the note up and threw it on the floor in rage.

They had my mate. They had Grace.

Shift. Shift night now. I have a feeling on where they are. My wolf screamed in my head.

I'm complied and and took off my pants before shifting. I needed the pants later or I'd be walking around naked.

Allowing my wolf to take over, we took off into the woods.

I'm coming for you Grace. Hold tight.


I had been running for about half and hour and came across a warehouse. I had been getting mind links from everyone but I ignored them. I was solely focused on finding Graces location so I could bring her back home.

Link them back. We may need back up. My wolf said speaking up.

Matthew. Nick. Grace was kidnapped. Follow my scent ASAP. I commanded before closing the link.

I walked around the warehouse and shifted back. I put on my dress pants and walked towards the door in the front of the building.

The building was locked. There must've been another way they got in.

I walked around to the other side of the warehouse and saw a broken window. Careful to avoid the shattered cracks, I climbed in and looked around.

The warehouse was dark and covered in cobwebs. Who knows what else was in this place I thought looking around disgusted.

I could faintly smell Graces scent and began following it.

Whoever this sick fuck was that kidnapped my mate would pay.

I followed the scent and came across a stair case leading downstairs. I came across a basement and heard voices.

I was about to open the door when k heard something.

More importantly, somebody.

"What do we do with her boss?" An unknown voice questioned.

"You'll see." Someone said before laughing loudly.

I recognized the voice but before I could pinpoint it I heard footsteps coming my way. I turned around in defense but before I could do anything I felt something hard hit my head, and someone inject something into my leg.

The last thing I saw were the shoes of a man walking into the room while chuckling to himself.


Oh no Arsen. Shouldn't have gone alone.

Who kidnapped Grace and hurt Arsen??

Sorry this chapter was EXTREMELY SHORT!

But let's take an applaud because I uploaded 3 times today!

Next up is Graces' POV!

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