Chapter One

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In a time forgotten...there once stood five kingdoms. Each kingdom coexisted with each other and kept the peace.

This peace had lasted for a good three decades after the third Millennial War. greedy faction, who hated peace, stole all five of the sacred treasures from all five kingdoms.

Knowing the power of those treasures, these kingdoms came together and decided to send one of their champions to help recover these stolen treasures.

After being informed of the current situation, the five champions head out to meet up and form a party. This is the start of an amazing journey of fighting, romance, and mystery.

This is where I come in. I'm a Mage with a...'special' affection for women. I'm NOT a pervert, despite what most everyone in my kingdom says.

"Well...I'm glad to see we all made it on time." I say to the empty meeting place. I look around the clearing before putting up a shielding spell, countering a small throwing knife.

I shout out to the shadows, "Hiding from sight and attacking me? Now that's not fair at all..." I'm greeted with another knife before simply leaning to the right, letting it sink into a tree. "What do you're one of the champions." A female voice enters the clearing from the shadows of the forest. "Why else would I be here?~" I reply happily knowing the first to arrive is a woman.

She steps into view, and I nearly collapse. I've been to other kingdoms but I have NEVER seen a girl who was this beautiful. "Stop drooling. You're not my type so piss off." I wipe my mouth at her comment, smirking ever so slightly. "Quite the mouth you got there...I like you already."

She looks at me like I was the most repulsive thing someone could think up. "Thanks but I don't like you. I'm here for my kingdom's treasure and that's it. Not looking for friends." At her last words...I stop and think.

Sure the treasures are powerful and important but why is she so serious? "Do you have something against making friends? I don't see why we can't enjoy the journey..." She cuts me off with a stone cold tone, "I do in fact. And I'm not going to speak of the matter. Stay out of my way if you value your life." And with that she takes a seat next to the pond, clearly done speaking with me.

After a few minutes of silence, I decide to ask her a question. "So...what's your name?" I refrain from calling her a name, seeing as how she's already upset with me. "Cidda," she answers, keeping her eyes on the water. "Pretty name. My name is Nydiragord. Weird isn't?" I laugh and smile, seeing her light up a little. "Yeah and it suits you because you're pretty weird." She gives a small smile, glancing at me.

I grin back at her before she gently laughs. "You look so stupid with that ridiculous grin on your face..." I frown a slightly before smiling. "I know. But that still wasn't too nice Miss Cidda."

She looks at me apologetically before looking at the water once more. I slowly shake my head with a warm smile, "Looks like you have a new friend even if you don't want one." Cidda looks at me again before a small, sweet smile forms. Looking away again she says, "Thanks...I don't trust too many people so I don't have many- well, any friends. As a Rogue it's risky having friends."

I'm about to say something but instead I get interrupted by an arrow, masterfully shot a mere inch in front of my eyes. A stupid comment soon follows after the arrow buries itself into a tree, "Well well...if it isn't Nimrod! Didn't think you'd be selected as a champion. Unlike me, you're terrible at everything where as I succeed!" I'm about to vomit at his words before deciding against it. "You haven't changed...and my name isn't Nimrod."

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