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I got up for school, getting ready for a dreadful day. I ate breakfast and said goodbye to my mother and went to my car.

The weather was warm and I knew spring was blossoming right now.

I smiled to myself as I played my music and sung along as I drove to school. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

I arrived at school and went to my locker and all that good stuff and was greeted by my best friends.

"You're in a good mood. You're practically glowing I saw you from back there!" Beth giggled and hugged me.

"Yeah I guess I am." I smiled.

"So why?" Devon asked.

"I actually don't know. I woke up expecting a bad day and then I listened to my music on the way here and boom, happy!" I replied.

"We should go do something this afternoon!" I added.

Wow I actually was in a good mood today.

"Can't girl, my dad is forcing me to stay for dinner tonight. His new girlfriend is coming over and he wants her to meet the whole family." Beth said shuddering.

"Oh wow. I wish you luck." I said.

Beth had a huge and crazy family. I met them before and trust me, I didn't last an hour with all the children running around the house. If I can remember, theres a baby, two three year old, a 10 year old, an eleven year old, a fifteen year old, and lastly Beth who is seventeen. But sometimes their twenty-one year old brother comes around.

"Thanks." Beth smiled slyly.

I walked to class, and ignored Dillon as he walked in. But of course he didn't ignore me. He barely knows me but he won't get off my back. He's like a zit that doesn't want to come off.

"You look hideous today." He snickered making me immediately look down at my outfit.

I wore jeans and flats with a tank top and a purple cardigan. I'd say I looked very decent.

"Shut up." I said.

"That's all you got?" He asked and looked me in my eyes. I challenged him by looking into his.

I couldn't deny that his eyes were gorgeous. They were a light brown gold color.

I rolled my eyes. "Why am I your target? Why couldn't you go talk to some innocent girl who would wrap around your fingers? Because if you're messing with me for an easy lay, its not happening." I angrily say.

He looks taken aback and actually looks hurt. I wasn't falling for it. I wasn't falling for any guys shit. Especially after Nathan ruined me... but thats another story.

Dillon POV:

"I'm not that type of guy." I lie. I mean sure, I'm the type of guy that can easily get any girl. I'm just shocked she read through me like that.

"Mhm." Was all she said an then she turned away.

Who cares. She would have enjoyed my time if she wasn't so stubborn.

But you're the one that came onto her as rude, I remind myself.


"Ok class," the teacher walked in and sat down. "I'm assigning an essay that you have to write about. It's about first impressions."

First impressions? What the hell am I suppose to do with that topic?

"Now this isn't one of my small, due-in-a-week essays, this is a big, four page essay one a first impression you got when you first say someone. It could be anyone. Maybe a friend you met years ago and you remember what you thought about them when you first laid eyes on them." He said.

Someone raised their hand but he dismissed it and told them to wait until after he finished.

"You may be wondering how you'll be able to write four pages on what you thought about the person. That's why this is a part by part essay. On the first page you'll talk about their attire and clothes and what you thought. On the second page you'll talk about their attitudes and how you think they act. The third is how you became fond of that person by their actions. Then the last, fourth, is what you thought about them the first time you made eye contact."

A hand raised.

"Yes, Chandelle?" The teacher said.

"So its basically an essay on judgement?" She asked.

I turned to look at her. She's hot.

"Yes, it actually is." He smiled.

"I'll pass out the papers that explain the essays more tomorrow. Let's get on with the lesson."

That's when I zoned out.

Cait's POV:

I was very into my music. I was swaying my hips to the music and I bobbing my head while listening to the latest pop music. 'Pillow Talk' by Zayn was on and I couldn't help but sway my hips. I was in my room with my earphones in. I would occasionally start humming or even sing a little.

"So we'll piss off the neighbors..." I sang.

I turned it up a little and just let myself be free. Dancing usually makes me feel better. If not, then I'll draw. My father always told me that when I was angry, mad, or upset just listen to music, singing your heart out and be happy.

He also told me that if I needed too, then punch a couple walls, but I never let my anger out physically. Hell, I never let my emotions out at all.

That journal is all I have and all I want.

I suddenly felt a burst of wind from my window and cursed myself for not closing it.

Good thing I didn't see Dillon.

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