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"No problem Mrs. Taylor, I know Michelle will act like a doll. We're already the best of friends." I waved goodbye to Michelle's parents. All I could think about was Beth, Devon, and I's plan to get back my journal back.

I watched the parents drive out the driveway and then I checked the time.

5:45 Pm.

At 6:00 was when the plan going into action. We changed some things up. Beth is going to be involved in the revenge, because shes best at it, and Devon is going to distract Dillon while I go get my diary back.

"Wanna play with my barbies?" Michelle asked with a smile.

"Sure." I smiled warmly.

So to pass the time we ate some snacks and played with barbies until finally-

"Um, Michelle, how about we play hide and go seek?" I asked, nervously glancing at the clock.

"What? Why?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Because it's fun! Go hide and I'll count!" I said.

She was still just looking at me with an amused face.

"Well, what are you waiting for, go hide! Not trying to give off any hints or anything but...upstairs is so big I'll probably not find you and loose the game." I winked.

"Okay fine, fine." Then she ran up the stairs.

"And the rule is, don't come out until I find you! Not unless theres an emergency of course." I added.

"Got it." She said.

"One... Two... Three..." I checked to see if she was out of sight and when I saw she wasn't, I ran to the door to check and see if Devon was outside.

He wasn't. Ugh.

Dillon wasn't playing super loud music tonight. Even though his room is sound proof he walked out to get food and we heard no loud music.

Which is surprising. But theres a better chance of him answering the door.

Ding dong.

Oh praise the lord, Devon is here.

And now, I wait.

I hid behind the couch and texted him;

start ringing the doorbell violently. He'll come out faster.

Just then the bell started going off like crazy and I heard Dillon grumbling angry as he swung open his door.

=Dillon POV=

"What the hell." I quickly opened the door, thinking the goddamn police were at it, but only saw a scrawny boy with a huge grin on his face.

"Hi!" He said. He was very cheery and happy, but I was pissed wondering why he was ringing my doorbell like he was being chased at 6 oclock at night.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I asked glaring at him.

"I've been going door to door to tell people about charities." He said, pulling out a sheet of paper.

"If you're here to tell me about Jesus, save it, I'm going to hell anyway," I then started to close the door, but the guy stopped me.

"No, this isn't about Jesus." He said, with an amused smile on his face.

"Ok... Then what's it about?" I huffed in annoyance.

"It's about poor families." He said.

"For only six cents a month, you could help a family in need." He added.

For a second I could have sworn I heard that sad song they play in those sad commercials...

'In the arms of an angel...'

I then noticed the guy had actually started to play the song on his phone. I guess for a dramatic effect.

"Here, sign there." He pointed to a space on the sheet and handed me a pen, all along, the dumb music was still playing.

What kind of bullshit is this?!

After I signed I started to close the door again, and then...

"I have a mixtape too. I've been rapping since I was a child." The guy looked nervous and his words were forced.

What was his problem?

"Great... Can I go now?" I asked him.

"No, please-" he stopped the music, "if you could just hear a small part of my mixtape, that would be great." He smiled a sad smile.

"Ugh..." I muttered.

"I don't have the mixtape here, but I know it by heart. Okay, just listen, it won't take long."

"Fine, ugh fuck, whatever." I groaned angrily.

"Ay, yo... My name is Devon, I'm cool like a pigeon, I get money everyday and I live like a legend... You know me, I'm the D, to the E, to the von, I'll rock your world and take your hon-"

"I've heard enough." I cringed.

The guy sighed in relief like he was tired of the terrible rapping also.

"Well, nice talking to you, thank you for listening to me and signing. Goodbye."

Then the guy full on sprinted out the yard and I just stood there in utter confusion.

Some people these days can be... I don't even know the word.

I closed the door and went back to my room, laughing slightly at the idiot that was just at my door.

+Cait POV+

I clenched my journal tightly in my hand as I walked into Michelle room. I still haven't found her, but I found my journal so that's one thing that's marked off my list.

It wasn't hidden, thank god, it just on his dresser, so I don't even know if he read it.

I really hope he didn't.

I only saw Dillon two times since I've been here and he hasn't made eye contact once.

It's not like I want to make eye contact, I'd do anything to avoid it with him, but usually he will smirk at me or just be staring.

If he did read it, he's probably scared of me because of the dark poems I wrote.

Why would I even care if he was or not? He's the same annoying fuck boy wither way.

"Michelle...?" I said softly.

Where was this girl?

"Michelle, I give up." I groaned.

Then I remembered that stupid rule;
"And the rule is, don't come out until I find you! Not unless theres an emergency of course."

I sighed and continued my search.

I finally found her half asleep in her closet and I picked her body up and laid her in bed.

Wow im a horrible baby sitter. But not all the time. Just when I trick the children im baby sitting into hiding so i can get back something.

But who wouldn't do that?


Part of this chapter I love, some parts I don't. I just really wanted to update because a lot of people were asking so there it was. I really hoped you enjoyed that chapter, the Dillon POV was so fun to write 😂 love you, dont forget to comment and vote. <3

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