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Dillon POV

I walked into school, with a smile on my face. Heading straight to my locker, I thought about how I was going to approach Cait today. I bet she was wearing one of her signature cardigans.

I thought back a while ago to when I made fun of her outfits and thought of then as prudish, and boring. But now, I admire her outfits out choice.

"You're in a good mood." Tom said waking up to me.

"Shocked or something?" I laughed.

"You must have gotten laid last night." He laughed.

"Who got laid? Because not me!" My friend Xavier walked up.

"Nope, I didn't get laid Im just in a good mood." I smiled.

"It's that date he went on with Cait!" Tom remembered.

I felt my face get hot as I thought about that night.

"Oh look at Mr. so called Bad Boy, blushing about his little date." Xavier smirked.

"Shut the fuc..."

I stopped mid sentence as I saw Cait walking to her locker, except, her face wasn't lit up like it usually it. She had almost a frown on her face, and she looked up at me and then quickly looked back down when she saw I saw her.

"I'll be right back guys." I said. I didn't wait for their replies as I walked over to Cait.

"Hey Cait." I approached her in a soft tone in case she was upset and didn't want to be bothered.

She looked at me and she looked almost scared and alarmed. She looked around as if she was hoping no one saw us talking.

I instantly began to wonder what I did wrong.

"I- I um, I'll talk to you later." She said. She smiled a bit and then walked off.


But she didn't talk to me later. I didn't see her the rest of the day at school, didn't receive a text. It felt like she was avoiding me.

She can't be avoiding me right?

"Dillon! When are you going to give these flowers to Cait? They'll be going dead soon." My mom scolded me.

"I'll give them to her tomorrow. She seemed kind of upset today. I think flowers would really cheer her up." I replied.

"Well alright.." my mom smiled.

"Her mother and I are actually going out this Saturday. We haven't had a decent weekend to ourselves without kids around. I'm going to let Cait babysit since your father will be busy too."

"Sounds nice." I said with a smile. But all I could think about was what could happen while Cait would be over.

I wanted to text her, but I knew it would too much if I sent a third text saying hey.

I didn't want to seem obsessed but I'm not used to being left on read.


The flowers sat in my car as I drove to school and I decided to give them to her after school when I see her. I really hope it will make her day.

I don't think I ever gave a girl flowers before... wow I really am not romantic.

The bell rung and I hurried into school but this time I didn't see Cait before it rung. I saw Beth, and we gave each other a small smile, ignoring the past episode we had when she tricked me into... never mind.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow and I just wanted to see her. I missed her smile and how nice she is to me.

I waited by my car with the flowers in my hand a minute before the bell rung and watched the crowd of high schoolers walk out. It didn't take me less than a minute to spot her.


Why was she walking with Nathan- her ex boyfriend. I remembered her diary pages I read, "His name is Nathan, he's so dreamy and he has the most amazing blue eyes."

I immediately felt horrible remembering that I read her person things, but... wait- they were holding hands?!

My heart sunk.

She spotted me and stopped dead in her tracks and her mouth twisted into a frown. Nathan, on the other hand was smirking and pulled her with force to keep walking.

Nathan- wow his name sounds kind of familiar- but that's not the point.

I remembered the flowers were still in my hand and I dropped them on the ground. I was hurt, but now I'm angry. How could she just lead me on?!

I got into my car and left, leaving the flowers to die in the school parking lot.

I felt like I could barely see straight as my eyes burned with anger. She was just another Teresa! This is why I can't have a serious relationship. I can't fall in love, I can't love someone at all, because sooner or later they will break my heart, or lead me on, or try to hurt me even worse than that.

I walked inside heading straight for my room. I was so angry I wanted to punch a wall.

"Did you give the flowers to her honey?" My mother asked as I stormed past her up the stairs.

"Sure did." I said coldly.


Caits POV

My heart hurt. I've never felt this kind of pain before.

He brought me flowers

No one has ever been that thoughtful to bring me flowers.

Right after that happened, when I got into Nathan's car, he yelled at me.

He called me stupid and a bitch for even acting like I cared about Dillon's flowers.

I lied and told him I didn't, but I did, and it hurt.

Just when things were changing for the better between me and Dillon, Nathan has to come and fuck it up.

It's like he's stopping me from falling in love.

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