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Tap tap tap

My face immediately lit up as I went up to my window.

"Dillon, you've been tapping on my window constantly, why is this?" I tried to look annoyed, but a smile shown through.

"I don't know I guess I just enjoy tapping on your window. It is close enough to touch." He said.

"You're right..." I eyed him with confusion as I just stood in front the window.

"I wish something else was close enough to touch..." he looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh get lost." I giggled as I yanked my curtain closed.

"Hey!" I heard Dillon shout in a jokingly sad tone.

I ignored him as I laughed while walking back to my desk chair.


I guess you can say Dillon and I have gotten... close. I don't know what we have going on. I think its interest. We haven't had a hard time with each other in a long time and after he apologized in detention last week, we occasionally talked. I like this and I enjoy talking to him.

Even the occasional flirting kind of makes me happy.

I sat my pencil down and twirled in my chair.

"Whats up!!" Beth said as she burst into my room like a mad man.

"I did not know you were going to walk
in just now!" I shrieked. "You almost gave me a heart attack bitch!"

"Bitchhh, this is not the first time I've done this." Beth laughed.

"And every time you do, I scold you because it scares me!" I roll my eyes.

"I need to teach you to become tougher." Beth said.

"Tougher? Pfft, I'm tough." I said as I closed my diary and sat it next to my computer.

"Oh really?" Beth laughed. She plopped down on my bed and grabbed the remote.

"Remember that girl who punched you?" She asked me.

I cringed.

"Do not bring that up or I will punch you like she punched me." I laughed.

"Cait, she knocked your ass to the ground! That still angers me till this day! Why didn't you get up and punch her back!?"

"Because I was a small little eighth grader and she was big and scary." I admitted.

"Size doesn't matter." Beth said.

"Everyone says that, but it does!" I replied.

Beth and I giggled like middle schoolers as we noticed the pun.

"If I were there, I would have backed you up boo. No one just punches my best friend like that." Said Beth.

"Thanks girl, but of course you had to be out that day, and Devon wasn't around to see the fight! So I was all outta luck." I sigh.

"Sorry." Beth just shrugged. "But we all know if he was, he's get knocked to the ground too."

"But that was such a dumb fight. She punched me because I stood up for someone else!" I felt my anger rising up.

"You're right. I really think that girl is has been in a juvenile all of high school because she's gotten into so much trouble. Or maybe they put her in jail. Who knows."

"Hopefully she's in jail. That girl was already bad news."

"What was her name again?" Beth asked.


"Even her name sounds dangerous."

We snickered.


Dillon POV

"Admit it man, you like her!" Tom said.

"I don't like her, We're just not being rude to each other like we used to."

"And why's that?"

What was I suppose to say?

"Oh, because her mother's boyfriend tried to do god knows what to her and I saved her from it." ???

"Reasons." Was all I said.

"Well for whatever reasons it is, congratulations to you. I know that behind those glasses and terrible clothes she wears, she's smoking hot." Tom said, kicking a rock on the sideway.

"Hey man don't fucking talk about her like that." I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"Dillon, dude, When did you start acting like this?" He asked me, complete shock and terror in his eyes when he saw my face.

I got myself together.

"Acting like what?" I pretended like nothing happened as we walked back to his house.

Was I actually changing? I really needed to get a grip on myself.

Cait is just a girl, Dillon. She's nothing but a girl.

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