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"Which outfit? This is the first date after all and I dont want to look like a hooker, but then again I dont want to look like an 80 year old prune going to Bingo on a Saturday night!" I whined to my best friends.

"Since when have you cared so much about things like this?" Devon snickered.

"I dont know... Maybe this one is special." I tapped my chin.

"Hmm, I kind of think you and Dillon would make a cute couple in an odd way." Beth smiled mischievously.

"Repeat that again, and I'll sock you in your tits." I glared at her, which of course made her burst into a fit of laughs, but I was severely offended.

Me and Dillon?! Please!  

"Oh c'mon though, your relationship could turn out like the ones in those books. You hate each other at first, and then you fall in love. It always happens." Devon added on.

"This is why I hate you guys." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my closet, looking for a decent outfit to wear. I guess we were going someone nature-y and outside because he was picking me up at 3. I still wanted to look good.

"Omg I think I may wear this." I pulled out a black halter crop top that tied around the neck and back, and then a pair of of high waisted skinny jeans to top off the look. Then I took out my black booties, my favorite shows actually.

"Try it on!" Devon cheered.

I nodded in reply and quickly slipped off my clothes, feeling comfortable enough to change in front of the people I knew forever, and then put on my outfit, leaving out the shoes for now.

"Mhm yes girl. You should totally wear that." Beth clapped.

"Good because I am, even if you guys don't think I should." I turned on the heel and looked at myself in the body length mirror.

"Well damn you're sassy today." Devon said.

"Maybe I'm just a little nervous. I havent been on a date since... Well since 9th grade. And that was when I had braces and went with Gregory Mcarthy." I cringed thinking back to that time.

"What about... you-know-who." Beth gave me a frown.

I knew she was talking about Nathan. I just shrugged and mumbled that the one he took me on didn't count.

"Okay so its 2:45. He'll probably be here in like 10 minutes." I said fiddling with things on my dresser.

"What are you doing? He's not coming in here." Devon eyed me curiously.

"I nervous-fiddle, okay! You know this!" I grumbled.

"You're such a worry wart. You're gonna have fun." Beth said, walking over to me. She fixed my hair by separating it on my shoulders and then wrapped my arms around me.

"I really hope you're right." I sighed while leaning on her.

"Do you guys think I look good in this top?" Devon suddenly came out of my closet with my dark purple cheetah print shirt that I haven't worn in years.

"Pfft, about time." Beth laughed out loud at the pun.

"Wha- Beth, shut the fuck up." Devon groaned when he found out what she was laughing about. I just giggled at how stupid Beth was.

"But don't you get it? You came out the closet, literally!" She was doubling over in laughter.

He flicked Beth off and then came modeling over to me.

"Whadda you think?" He smiled and did a spin.

"That shirt is pretty ugly though. I never wear it." I said.

"Can I keep it? It fits!" He put his hands on his hip.

"I guess." I smiled at him in approval.

Just then the door bell rung.

"Well, here I go." I grabbed my small black cross body bag and turned to the door.


Dont be mad about a cliffhanger, be happy because I FINALLY uploaded.  😂 thanks for reading! I'll post really soon. I didn't want this chapter to be really long because to me it feels like less people will read it because its so much. Tell me if youre liking it! Thanks for reading :) comment and vote <3

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