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Previously from chapter 50...

"Dillon, I am so sorry." I mumbled against his neck.

I missed his smell, he always smelled like a specific cologne and almost a hint of cigarette smoke. Weird combination of a smell, but I enjoyed it and savored it as much as I could.

"It's okay." He said leaning his chin into my hair. I'm pretty sure he noticed the change but we stayed in our comfortable silence and in each other's warmth for a long time.


"Your hair... it's..."

"Different? I know." I pulled away from him a small bit, just enough that I could still feel his body heat and it made me feel warm inside and out.

"I like it." He said softly.

"Thank you." I look up at him and he was smiling at me.

"I never want you to be mad at me again." I laid my head against his chest.

"Hopefully I won't." He said.

"Hopefully?" I leaned my head to look at him and squinted a bit.

He chuckled. "I won't." He hugged me one last time and then walked over to another side of his room.

"Ignore my room, it's kind of messy." He kicked a few things that were on the floor, lazily.

"Dillon Taylor caring about his room being dirty? I feel very special." My smile radiated.

He laughed.

"I'm suppose to be up here cleaning it."

"Hmm. Seems like you're a long way away from it being 'clean' sir." I crossed my arms.

"Okay now you sound like my mother." Dillon started to gather some clothes on the floor.

I just smiled and sat on his bed. I watched him pick try to tidy up his room as best as he could, but his idea of clean was way different from mine... and probably everyone else in the world.

I really do like this guy. And I couldn't help but watch how his arm muscles tightened every time he reached up to get to something. Or how he had to keep pushing his hair out his eyes because it was getting too long. It was just the little things that made me like him even more.

Dillon POV

"Are you checking me out Caitlin?" I smirked as I watched her watching me.

Her cheeks got a little red, and she smiled a bit.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. So what?" She huffed playfully.

"Mhm, whatever." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So what's new?" She asked.

I kicked a few things under my bed and shrugged, "everything's the same. You?"

"New hair." She said it like it was obvious.

"Oh yes of course. New hair new you."

"Seems like you could use a hair cut too."

"I actually do. But who are you to tell me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well I was right so no need to be offended." She giggled.

I love it when she laughs.

It just makes me so angry that Joanna would be sneaky enough to think she can take Cait'd place. She honestly switched up in the last few days. Seems like just yesterday she gave me advice on my relationship with Cait and now she's trying to intervene with it.

"What are you thinking about?" Cait's soft voice interrupted my angry thoughts and right after I heard her speak my anger went away.

"Nothing. Just... stuff."

"Must be some bad stuff. You looked heated." She said.

"It's not a big deal." I lied.

This was actually a very big deal. If Cait knew what Joanna was doing she'd probably have a cow. And to think that before I was trying to encourage her to trust Joanna and tell her that Joanna wasn't doing anything wrong. But all along I should have been iffy- just as Cait was.

"Come hug me." She suddenly said.

"I have to clean." I said, watching her reaction slyly.

She looked offended and pouted. I laughed and walked over to her.

"I would never pass up a chance to get close to you." I wrapped my arms around her on the bed and kissed her softly.

"What is this?" Cait asked against my lips.

"This is us." I kissed her face.

"What is us?" She asked, not giving up the subject.

I was silent. I really like Cait. The last two relationships I've had ended horrible. Could Cait be different? Most of me believes Cait will be different. She'll change me more than she already has. But there is still a small part of me that has that feeling of fear. Fear of being left behind. Fear of being taken advantage of or being cheated on again. Cait would never do that to me though. Cait would never try to hurt me.

"This is taking way too long to answer." She pushed me away slowly and stood up. She looked hurt, her face twisted in confusion.

"Wait Cait. I was just thinking." I said taking her hand.

"Thinking about what? How us having a relationship wouldn't work out?" She turned away from me, taking her hand out of mine.

"I was actually thinking the opposite. I was thinking about how you wouldn't hurt me. And how being in a relationship with you would change me. It would change me for the better. Cait, listen to me. You've made most of my hatred go away. You've made me a much better person. You're everything I could want. Please, stay with me." I wrapped my arms around her from behind and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Really?" She said in a whisper.

"Yes baby."

She turned around and wrapped her arms around me. Our lips touched and we kissed until we had to back away for air.

"I feel the same way Dillon. I was hoping you would say that." Cait smiled.

We stayed in each others arms but I felt so guilty for not telling Cait about Joanna and how evil she actually is. I knew in the future I would regret it.

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