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...So, to sum up what happened yesterday night, Dillon wouldn't turn down his music, he has a fricking sound proof room but wants to make me mad and leave his window open for me to hear, the babysitter is very sweet, but naïve and clueless, and lastly, Dillon is a cheating bastard. Yup, that's the truth.

Knock knock knock

"Yes?" I asked after the knocking at my door stopped.

"It's me." I heard my mother say.

She walked into my room and sat on my bed. She was holding something silver in her hand and she had a sad smile on her face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"I found this," she held up a silver necklace with a W carved in it. It also had a sword going in between the letter and it looked really cool. "I was cleaning out the attic and I found this in an old box."

I studied the jewelry and then my eyes got teary.

"That's dad old necklace isn't it?" I asked. My fathers name was William.

She nodded.

I turned my head so she wouldn't see I was almost in tears thinking about my father. He died almost two years ago but the memory of when I found out he died is still fresh in my mind.

"Are you okay honey?" My mom asked me. She put her hand on my back but I flinched away.

It's like she doesn't even care about my dead father anymore. After two years she finally moved on and found a boyfriend. I love my mom, but that is something I can't forgive her for.

"I'm fine." I said a little too harshly and defensively.

"I want you to keep this." She said ignoring my tone.

I slowly turned around and took the necklace gently out her hand.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

My mom smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I'm never taking this off." I said out loud. I said it to myself more than I did to my mom.

"Well it's 9 o'clock and I have work so goodnight Cait. I love you." She kissed my forehead and stood up.

"Goodnight mom, love you too." I smiled and she walked out.

I sat my necklace on my desk and closed my diary.

I hated the fact that I was leaving my window open tonight because the last time I left my window open Dillon made it clear that he got a boner while watching me dance.

I'm not getting into that topic anymore, but that's what happened the last time.

But it was the hottest night ever down here and I didn't have a ceiling fan.


Well I mean what could happen anyway? My window in like 20 feet from the ground since I'm on the second floor and Dillon has never tried to sneak into my room.

I clicked off my light and got into bed. Beds are so comfortable and sleeping is such a blessing.

Right as I was slowly closing my eyes of course a bunch of random thoughts started floating into my mind.

Why don't scientist know why we sleep?

How long has a human ever slept?

How long has a human gone without sleeping?

Goddamnit Cait go to sleep.

Finally I started drifting to sleep and that's when I heard the first noise.

A normal person would flip on their light and see if a crazy psycho murderer was climbing into their room, but I didn't. I supposed it was just a random noise in my room.

Nothing major.

I was halfway asleep when I heard the next noise. Idiot Cait didn't do shit about it because she's lazy and she groaned and put her head under her pillow.

May I add again, I was halfway asleep and wasn't thinking properly.

Big mistake.

I heard another noise that was louder than the first two and sounded like someone dropped a book onto my carpet.

That's when I flipped over angrily and clicked on my lamp.

Anger rusher through me as I saw someone wearing all black climbing out my window.

They also had my diary in their hands.

And I knew exactly who the fucktard was.

"What a son of a-"

I didn't even finish my sentence as I raced out of bed trying to grab at Dillon. He was too quick and got back to his window.

Lucky for him, he didn't fall to his death from my window.

I said, lucky for him.

"Dillon! You motherfucker you better give me back my journal!" I said.

"Hm, I don't think so." He said.

"What is your problem? You snuck into my room and stole something! I should call the police!" My face was probably as red as tomato and my hair was a mess too.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a crazy person, but I didn't care.

"Maybe you shouldn't have barged into my house yesterday and then my room! I should have called the police on you!"

"First of all, Michelle let me in so I didn't just sneak into your house like an invader, but you did! Now give me back my journal!" I glared at him.

"What, you don't want me to read your little secrets?" Dillon opened the book with a mischievous smile. He turned to a random page.

"'Friday, Nathan is taking me on a date tonight, Oh how I can't wait for him to kiss me.' This is the dumbest shit I've ever looked at." He snickered. He was reading over my diary in an annoying high pitched voice and making himself sound really dramatic.

"Dillon I swear if you don't give me back my journal, I will kill you!" I spit.

"Oh, I'm so scared." He laughed and put his hands up as surrender.

"Ugh!" I cried.

"Remember when I told you to not drop down to my level? I wasn't lying." Then he closed his window and shut the curtains.

I was going to get my journal back no matter what. And revenge was going to be so sweet.

The Bad Boy Stole My Diary Where stories live. Discover now