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I was shocked that I found a way to make sure every time I was walking with Nathan, Devon and Beth were no where around to see us.

Its been a couple days after Phillip and I deleted the pictures and the dumbass still hasn't noticed.

Now that the pictures are gone, I have to start the next part of my plan; talking to Dillon again.

I can tell Dillon all the shit Nathan has put me through and we can go back to whatever kind of romance/friendship we had before.

I would have never said this before about Dillon but, I miss him.

"Let's do something after school today." Devon suggested.

"Yeah! We haven't hung out together in a while. What are we going to do?"

We all thought as we sat on the floor in the back of the library. School was almost out and as seniors we always had a free period, so we spent it hid away in the back of the library on our phones.

"I say we go out to eat out. I'm hungry and Blandera sounds really good right now." Beth said.

Blandera is a small cafe that serves very good food. It's usually not that full on weekends but it did actually sound like a good place to eat on this Friday evening.

I texted my mom telling her I'd be home a little later and smiled, actually feeling genuinely happy since a long time.


We walked into the cafe and there were a small amount of people there. I couldn't see every person because they have these decorative walls that separate three sections of different seating areas.

"Hello welcome to Blandera, follow me and I will sit you in one of our sections." A nice girl smiled at us when we first walked in.

We followed her and she set us in the middle section. We were at the beginning of the decorative wall so we could also see into the third section, and what- well, who I saw, broke my heart into two.

No, not two, probably three, four even. My heart was shattered.

"Cait are you ok? Your face has turned pale." Devon said.

Right as Devon said my name, his head looked over and we made eye contact.

But he quickly looked away and turned his head to look back over at the brunette that was sitting in front him.

When she noticed that his eyes left hers, she did the same and glared when she saw my face.

Of course it was Nicki.

"Is that Dillon?" Beth asked in shock.

"Yes." I said through gritted teeth.

Is this some sick game he's playing? Getting revenge on me? I was forced to get back with my ex and now he's randomly here with her?! How could he do that?!

"Wow... he's back with that skank again I see." Devon rolled his eyes. "I could have sworn I saw some connection between the two of y-"

"There was no connection what so ever!" I snapped grabbing my wallet.

"Well okay..." Beth said looking around embarrassed because I said it a little too loud.

"Can we leave?" I said, already making the decision and walking away from the table and my friends.

"What why?" They said in unison, but quickly followed me.

"Leaving already?" The hostess asked us as we scurried past her.

"Yes! Sorry!" Devon called out. He was always the nice one, as for Beth she just stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Dillon POV

"I wonder what was that all about..." Nicki said as she sipped her lemonade.

She was talking about the scene when Cait and her friends stormed out the cafe.

I shrugged my shoulders, but I knew very well why she angrily stormed out.

I picked at my lasagna that I haven't been able to finish.

"You've been quiet since we got here. Is something up babe?" Nicki said.

"Yes. I don't want to be here with you. The only reason why I asked you to come is because I overheard Cait and her friends say they were coming here after school... and don't call me babe."

I wanted to say that but I didn't. Instead I shrugged again.

"My head is kinda hurting." I lied.

Suddenly her hand snaked over to my arm that was on the table.

"I know what can make you feel better..." she smirked and lowered her voice down to a whisper.

"I really don't think that would help either. I'm just tired."

"Oh trust me, if we leave right now, we can be even more tired." She winked.


"We don't even have to go home, how about the back of your car?"

"What? No. Nicki-"

"Dillon, you never turn down sex! What the fuck is wrong with you!" She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as the waitress came up.

"Here is your bill, thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed your meal."

I put the money in the little book as Nicki just sat there and watched me. I guess all women just expect you to pay.

I got up and Nicki followed and we walked to my car in silence.

"I saw the way you looked at her, Dillon." Nicki said, her arms were still crossed.

"What?" I asked pulling out the small parking lot.

"Cait. If you like her so much, why did you bring me there? To make her jealous?"

I ignored her question and headed in the direction to bring her home.

She doesn't know me. She doesn't know what I go through. Yes, I did want to make Cait jealous. I wanted her to feel how I felt when I saw her with Nathan.

And it worked, but I'm not feeling like I accomplished shit. The look on her face when she saw us... just may haunt me forever.

I wanted her to feel bad but actually, I think I was more hurt about the situation than she is.


Thanks for reading! I am so so so happy about all the reads and likes and comments I am getting from all you amazing people. It's motivating me to actually keep writing chapters because sometimes, I just don't have the motivation. I hope you enjoyed the story xx

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