Chapter 18

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After I texted Abby I went to change into a more party type outfit. I put on my ripped jeans, a tank, and my favorite leather jacket. I then slid on a pair of my black boots. You can never have too many pairs of boots. I quickly did my makeup and tried to do my hair, like I said it does what it wants. Dean, Sam,and me all walked down to the car. We drove off to the grill for "family night".
  We pulled up and I saw Abby sitting in her jeep. The boys and me get out of the car and walk toward the door. Then I hear Abby's voice say. "Hey guys, nice to see you here." She smiled
  "Hey pretty thing" Dean said trying to flirt. When the boys flirt I can't help but laugh. But she played back. She gave him a smile and a wink.
  "Hey Abby!" I said. As we walk in it hit me. She doesn't know that I can't go. I have to sneak out. So I leaned over and whispered "my brothers don't want me going to the party so we have to sneak past them okay?"
  "Okay. Got it." She whispered back.
  "Why don't y'all go get some drinks while we start the game of pool." Sam suggested. Me and Abby agreed when she turned away from the boys she winked at me to say "this is it. Time to leave." We walked off towards the bar. We turn around to see if they were looking. They were zoned in on the pool game so we run towards the door.
  "Guess you'll be driving" I laugh. We get her jeep and drive off to the high school.
  When we arrive I see the football field full of people. They're all dancing,having so much fun. I can't wait! We look in the mirrors before we get out to make sure we still look hot!
  Abby elbows me and says "Look over there! There's Stefan! I know you have a thing for him! I can tell!"
  "Awww Abby no I don't!"
  "Oh come on I saw the way y'all looked at each other  at the grill."
  "Fine! I'll go talk to him." As I walked off I could hear her say something else but I was to focused on what I should say to Stefan.
  "Hey!" I said in some sort of perky voice.
  "Oh hey!" He said with a smile. Lord his smile. It was like a shot to the heart      "Umm you want a drink?"
  "Yeah please and thanks" he turned towards the keg of beer and got a cup. He filled it up . He grabbed the sharpie next to the stack of cups. He wrote on the cup and handed it to me. I looked at the cup and he wrote his number on the cup. I looked back up at him and he was smiling at me. I had to laugh at the cheesiness...but I have to admit,that was smooth and cute all at the same time. "I'll think about!" I teased. He laughed knowing I was kidding.
  We didn't dance but we talked and hung out. I met lots of really nice people. Caroline..where do I start. She was so energetic and bubbly. I thought as she was talking to me and Stefan, she would be great for Sam!
  "Uh sorry to break up the fun but Gracie I swear I just saw your brother's Impala pull up!" Abby said as she came running over to us.
  "What? Nooooo." I said frowning. But Abby told me and Stefan to go hide. She would take care of my bubbs. Stefan grabbed my hand. We walked towards the wood that was near the football field. Stefan took out his phone and turned on his flashlight. He was still holding my hand. It felt good! I wasn't watching where we were walking I was to focused on the Greek god standing next to me that was holding my hand, yes Gracie Winchester's hand. I tripped on a rock that was sticking up out of the ground. I fell once again me being my graceful self . "Owwwww"
  "Are you okay?" Stefan said concerned but still laughing.
  "Yes and no. I scraped my arm." I looked down to see blood running out of my arm. I then looked up at Stefan.
  "Stefan?! Your face?!"  The flash light had given enough light off for me to see his face. The veins under his eyes were at the surface of his skin and his eyes looked red. I got up to run. But he appeared in front of me.
  "Gracie trust me. I won't hurt you" he was pleading. I thought what we read and saw wasn't true. But I guess it was. I got around him and I had no where to go. A tree was blocking my path. Stefan  cornered me and put his arm around me.
  "Leave me alone!"
  "I won't hurt you, Gracie!"
  "You won't hurt me? You looked like you would have back there!"
  "That's because I'm weaker. I don't drink human blood. I live off of animal blood! Gracie, trust me!"
  I looked into his green eyes and I could tell he was telling the truth. He wouldn't hurt me, even if I was the only way he could survive. "Fine I believe you. But Stefan what about my brothers, if they find out about you being a vampire, they will hunt you down and drive a wooden stake through your heart and it doesn't help you a vampire dating their baby sister either?" I said kinda giggling at the last part.
  "We will figure it out" he said smiling. He wrapped his arm around my waist. We were nose to nose. But then a voice from behind him stops us "Stefan?" He turns around and I see the girl from the crime scene, the one he hugged.

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