Chapter 61

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"Klaus. He told me you kissed him... Is that true?" Dean asks. We've been laying in bed. Just talking and laughing.
"More like Klaus kissed me." I pause thinking of it. "Klaus came after me today and told me to go with him. I went and I realized even more that I wanted you. He told me about the note. He also told me you both raced home for me."
"You have no idea. How much I wanted to get back before him. But when I actually got here he disappeared. And so did you. It drove me crazy. I drove all around town searching. Even Sheriff Forbes helped me. I couldn't bear to think you left me for Klaus that thought was killing me."
I roll over on my stomach and put my head on his chest. "Dean. Baby you should've known I would be back for you. You and me are just meant to be. See the thing that makes me worried is I'm not going to age. And you are. There's always the option of looking for the cute but that's a long hard process. I could-"
"Just shut up." Dean's lips crashed into mine. He pulls slowly away still looking me in the eyes. "We'll worry about that later. But now I just want to be happy that i can do this." He leans back in and it's like fireworks go off. My skin tingles at the touch of his. Nobody will ever know how much I missed this. Just his presence. His smile. I know I should be worried about what else Klaus has planned and about Noah. But I don't care at this moment. It's just me and Dean.


I roll over to see Dean asleep. I lift his hand slowly as I roll out of bed. I gently lay it back down and slide it under the covers. I look down realizing i only have undergarments on. I quickly run over and put on sweatpants and one of Dean's shirts. I sit down at my lap top desk and grab a pen and a sticky note. I flip the lap top open and pull open the program to check on our little friend Noah. I sign in and then bam there are plenty of notifications. All of them read Orlando Florida. I guess he thinks he's safe down there but he's got two girls with revenge on their minds. And ones a vampire. He's in some deep trouble.
I write down the recent addresses of Noah on the sticky note. I pull the note off and stick it right beside my lap top. I grab a piece of copy paper from the top drawer. I begin to write a note for Dean. I feel awful for leaving him but I have to get Noah. Especially after what he did to me and Stefan. Nobody messes with family without a price.
I finish the note and put it on the nightstand beside Dean. I walk out into the cold hallway and tip toe down to Stefan's room. I slowly open the door. Gracie is awake on her side of the bed on her phone. I walk over to the bed and shake her awake. She rolls over and just stares at me with her ridiculous bed head.
"Grace. Time to go. Hey ready." I whisper sharply. She nods at me so I turn around and walk back to my room.
Since we're going on a road trip I bring a bunch of clothes. But when we get there I got some great clothes to take down Noah in. The type where all the boys will be starin'.
I throw a duffle bag in the floor and shove all my clothes I need in it. I grab a straightener and a curling wand just in case Gracie wants either. I also toss my makeup bag in there along with all my other girl things I need. I make a mental checklist. I think I got everything so I head out the door.
After running into Chubs, Gracie walks on out to the car. I got to make a pit stop before we leave. So I walk around to the bathroom to pee. After I pee I walk over to the bathroom sink to wash my hands. I look up into the mirror at my bed head. I blink and Damon suddenly appears. Making my heart skip a beat.
"Whatcha doing sis?" Damon asks.
"Oh I'm heading out to go jogging. I came downstairs for breakfast." I say.
"Oh really huh? Jogging." He says into my ear.
"Yeah Damon."
He flashes away for a second and then he comes back. "Then how come you have bags packed?"
I turn around drying my hands off. I have to keep my cool or else he'll see through me. "Damon. I've already told you I'm going out jogging. Those bags are from a long time ago when I went with Chubs somewhere."
"Well whatever you're scheming up... Be careful. I know you're most likely going to be going after him." Damon says flaring his eyes.
"Okay thanks brother. I'll be careful on my morning jog." I say sarcastically. I lean in and hug him. "Careful Damon you're humanity is showing." I pull away and give him a smile.
I walk out of the bathroom and through the living room. I push open the front door and smile at the fact I am going to kill that jerk with my best friend.

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