Chapter 23

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"Uhh I believe I will have blueberry pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon." I said smiling at the waiter.
"Okay. For you sir?"
"I'll take the same as the pretty lady. But extra bacon." He says as we hand the waiter our menus.
"I'll bring it out shortly."He says with a smile.
"Alright thanks." I reply. I turn to look at Dean and he's doing that cute staring thing again. "Dean, you're staring." I pause,"Again."
"I can't help it. You rock my world more than AC/DC." He says with a goofy smile.
"Wow, that's a big compliment."
"Well I meant every word." I smile so big I probably looked so dumb. But I didn't care. He's amazing. I look down to hide my smile a little but when I look up I see Stefan and Gracie stroll through the door. I watch them as they go over to that girl Elena. Stefan looks upset but I listen in using my vamp hearing.
"Stefan I can't do this anymore!" Elena says. I think ouch big brother that one must have hurt. But then he turns around and hugs Gracie. So I guess he's okay.
Dean asks almost jealously,"Who have you been staring at for so long?"
"Dean no! Don't!" He turns to see Gracie with Stefan. He can't know that Gracie has been with Stefan. "Dean look at me!"
I feel my pupils dilate as I stare into his green eyes. I command him to forget he saw Gracie and Stefan. Instead he was looking at me and thinking about me. After he repeats what I said to him everything goes back to normal.
As we are we talked about our lives in the past. I got excited to talk about how weird it is both of our pride and joy's are named "baby." We talked about parents. Just life as it was before we met. I talked about how I spent most of my life with Damon until recently. But if course leaving out the fact I am a vampire.
After breakfast Dean paid the bill and left a tip which was sweet. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door together. I looked up at him and thought about how uh he made me happy. He walked me around to the shotgun side and pulled open my door for me. I smiled and sat down. I watched him walk around and get in.
"Where will it be miss?" Dean asks with a wink.
"Well you can take me home. You probably should go find your brother. We haven't seen him since yesterday." I say with a laugh.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeahhhhh plus I need a shower I still smell like the party."
"Okay fineeee." He says playfully annoyed. Dean turns up the radio and All Right Now by Free was on.
I looked at Dean and he was tapping on the steering wheel to the beat. So I started to sing the lyrics,"All right now. Baby it's all right now." By this time Dean was singing along with me. He looks over and smiles. It seemed nothing could ruin this moment with Dean.
Dean made a left turn and bam! A truck rams into the side of the Impala.

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