Chapter 48

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I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I was fiddling with the back of my earring. Stefan walked to my side and was looking in the mirror tying his tie. He looked great in a tux. The last thing I had to do was my hair. I went to ask Abby if I could borrow here curling iron or wand to do my hair.
I walked in her room and she sitting on her bed sliding on her shoes. "Hey can I borrow your curling iron?"
"Oh yeah sure!" She walks in her bathroom and grabs it off the counter. "Here ya go." She hands it to me.
"Thank you!"
"No problem." I walked back up to Stefan's room. I walked in the bathroom where I found Stefan doing his hair. "Oh my gosh!" I laughed. "You're worse then Sam!" He started to laugh. I plugged in the curling iron. In a matter of minutes it was ready. I started to curl my hair.
Once I had done the sides it was time to do the back. I hated doing my hair in the back it never really worked cause I couldn't see what I was doing. Stefan was standing in the door way watching me. "Here.." He said in a sweet but kinda snarky tone. He grabbed the curling iron and began to curl the hair on the back of my head.
When he finished I grabbed another mirror and turned to where I could see. He had done a better job then I had done on the rest of my hair. "Is there anything you can't do?" I asked joking around.
"Well I'm not all that great at...just kidding." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. I walked back out to his room and grabbed my heels. I slid them on. I looked in the mirror one more time. Stefan was standing at the door waiting on me. I walked over to him he grabbed my hand and we walked down stairs. Damon was sitting in the couch sipping on a glass of bourbon.
"Aww is poor Damon going all by himself?"I said in a babyish voice.
"No he's going with me." A voice said from behind. I turned to look. Chubs was standing behind me in pretty purple dress.
"Hey!" I said in shock. I gave her a hug. "You look stunning!"
"Aww same to you!" She walked over to Damon.
"Ready?" Stefan asked.
"Yep." Me and Stefan walked out the door to his car. He opened the door for me. He walked around and got in. I looked over to see him smiling. I grabbed his hand. His smile grew bigger.
We pulled up in front of a large house. People were walking in. A line of limousines were lined up in front of the door. Stefan found a spot to park. He got out and walked to my side and opened the door. "Thank you" I smiled.
"Welcome" he smiled back.
We walked up to the doors they both opened. The inside of the house was like a castle in a fairytale. Something I would imagine Cinderella living in. People were standing around drinking champagne. Classical music was playing in the background. Stefan zapped me out of starring in awe when he began to walk froward tugging me along. I waiter walked by with a tray of glasses filled with champagne. Stefan grabbed two and handed one to me.
  "Hello Stefan." A voice said from behind. We turned to see who it was. An older woman with brownish hair was standing there.
  "Mrs Lockwood. You look lovely tonight." Stefan said as he kissed her cheek.
  "Who's this?" She ask motioning towards me.
  "This is Gracie Winchester."
  "Ohh yes I met your brother Dean when he was at the police station with Damon. Well it's nice to meet you."
  "It's nice to meet you too." I gave her a smile. I began to think "wait was that Tyler's mom?" The doors opened again and in walked Sam. Caroline on his side. It made me smile. I'm glad he's happy. Me and Stefan walked over to the other side of the room where I saw Tyler. He was standing with Matt. Both giving me and Stefan god awful looks. Stefan was too busy talking to Damon to notice. I saw Dean and Abby walk in. Both looking great. Mrs Lockwood climbed to the middle of the stairs.
  "Everyone welcome. I would like to call everyone to the ball room for a waltz."
  "Come one." Stefan grabbed my hand.
  "Wait...I've never really danced like this."
  "I've got this." Stefan said with a smirk. We reached the ball room tables lined the open space. Stefan stopped walking. "Take your shoes off. "
  "What?" I asked
  "Just do it." I slid my shoes off. We walked out to an open spot on the dance floor. "This part isn't hard just follow me." Everyone was in a line holding hands but in this weird position. It was hard to explain. The music started to play. It was "Holding Out for a Hero" by Ella Mae Bowen. The first part was easy,it was basically walking. Then everyone broke off and started to do a waltz type dance. "Now." Stefan said. He picked me up to where I was standing on his feet. He grabbed my hand and began to dance. I laid my hand on his shoulder. "It's not that hard." He laughed.
  "Not at all."
  "But we have to switch partners."
  "Don't worry you will be fine." Then everyone switched partners. All the girls were spun around then the new partner caught them. Stefan spun me around and I landed in the arms of Tyler. Great.
  "You're coming with me." He grabbed me by the arm and walked off to were the party was until we went to dance. I looked back to see if Stefan was near. He was dancing with Caroline.
  "Tyler what do you want?"
  "Gracie don't play dumb. Why were you rude to me that day at the grill? Hmm?"
  "Tyler I told you I'm not into you. I'm with Stefan! Let me go!"
  "No!" Tyler laughed an almost evil laugh. "You're going to be with me now." He leaned in and kissed me I pushed him away. 
   "I told you before I'm not taking no for an answer."
  "Tyler stop!" It was Stefan and he sounded angry.
  "You can't always be the hero Stefan."
  "Want to bet?" Stefan vamp sped over to Tyler and threw him across the room. "Tyler leave her alone got it?"
  "Oh but Stefan I've already done so much." Stefan looked at me with a concerned look.
  "What did he do?"
  "Gracie what did he do?!"
  "Which part?"
  "All of it!"
  "He's the one who hurt my wrist. He also kissed me."
  Stefan turned back to look at Tyler. He threw a punch and hit Tyler. "Dick! Touch her again and your dead." Tyler laid on the floor looking up at Stefan rubbing his jaw where Stefan had hit him. Stefan turned back to me. "Are you okay?"
  "I am now." I smiled. We walked back to the ball room. Now everyone was just slow dancing. I looked out on the floor. I saw Damon and Chubs, Abby and Dean, Caroline and Sam all dancing. Each one of them looked happy. "There needs to be one more happy couple out there." Stefan grabbed my hand.
  "Then what are we waiting for?" We walked back out the floor. He picked me up again and sat me down on his feet. "You look perfect tonight."
  "You did pretty good yourself."

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