Chapter 8

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"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Potts. Pepper Potts".

What a twist.

The woman stood firm, wearing a clean white suit, with long heels. She had long red hair, kept well. Seemed important.

Gwen offered a hand, greeting the woman.

"I'm Gwen Stacy, employee here at Oscorp" Gwen informed, shaking Peppers hand.

"I've heard much about you" Pepper responded, smiling openly.

I didn't want to feel more awkward than I did. I also didn't want to be rude, so I offered my hand to shake as well.

"I'm Peter Parker" I introduced, trying to smile appropriately.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. Glad to work with you" she greets, smiling at me.

How can I not blush at that.

She seemed like a generally nice person. I felt like I could fully trust her, and I don't think it's just from my spider senses. I know when someone is good. It may not seem they could be, but inside, you know they are.

"Nice to work with you too" I greet back, feeling less uncomfortable.

"I'm sure you've heard of Stark industries before?" Pepper asked, folding her hands into her briefcase in her hands.

Who hasn't?

"Of course. I would be surprised if anyone in New York didn't". I chuckle, causing her to laugh, including Gwen.

"Also, it's hard not to know its run by-"

"Iron Man" Pepper interrupts, knowing what I was going to say.

"Yeah" I replied, not knowing if she was okay.

"Tony has always had a name to himself... He may not be the perfect human, but he is one. No one really sees that...but you're a sweet kid. I know he'll like you".

For such a dramatic change in mood, it took me off guard. It didn't make me uncomfortable, however. I felt as if I understood her.

"He sure is. And a dork too" Gwen joined, rubbing my head again, messing up my hair.

Pepper just smiled, admiring us. She could feel a connection, not knowing what kind.

"So is Tony, believe me" Pepper adds, not knowing if Gwen and I were listening.

Once Gwen and I stopped messing around, we gave our attention to Pepper again.

"Now then, shall I show you around?" Pepper asked, smiling.

I wasn't exactly sure. Everything was happening so fast. It's hard to remember what I did this morning.

I look back at Gwen, not wanting to leave Gwen alone.

"You go ahead, Pete. I have to head to my office anyway" Gwen informed, giving a wink.

"Yeah. See ya Gwen". I blush, not knowing why she winked.

As I walk with Pepper, I forget something.

"Thanks, Gwen!" I yell being my nerdy polite self.

"No problem!" Gwen tells back.

Pepper just chuckles under her breath, admiring our behavior.

"This is your station".


I look around, more parts than their was in the other room. Even parts with holograms. I always wanted to use one of these. Good thing I already know how to use one. Thanks, computer science.

"I love it" I respond, feeling dumbfounded.

"Glad you do, Peter. We haven't set everything up yet. Stark Industries hasn't been fully incorporated all out supplies. They have to be verified" Pepper explains, not noticing me not completely listening.

May of not been polite, but I'm in heaven. It should be counted as an excuse.

I walk over to a hologram screen, trying to remember how to use it. I place my finger on the screen, moving different objects on the hologram. Getting use to it, I move them together, creating new ideas.

"Have you used one of these before?" Pepper asked, thinking I have.

"No" I respond monotone, not turning my head.

Now Pepper seemed dumbfounded. This technology was very advanced. It wasn't just an oversized iPad. This was Stark tech. More advanced than anything.

Pepper walked up to me, curious.

"How did you learn how to use this?" Pepper asked, very interested.

"Computer Science" I answer, still distracted by the screen.

"That's an advanced college level class".

I heard her statement. Did she think it was weird that I was in those classes? I'm surprised Gwen didn't tell her that. Why wouldn't she?

"Did they have holograms in the class?" Pepper asked, watching me work through the computer, fascinated.

Stark industries has never confined in giving any holograms to anyone, not even the military. We've been asked many times but never accepted. If the technology had gone out, it would be a major problem.

I turn around, wanting to be a little more polite than I have been

"No. I just...remember how to use them. It didn't seem complicated" I respond, feeling awkward again.

Why must I be this way?

"That's...amazing" Pepper responded, feeling quite astonished.

Pepper couldn't comprehend how smart I was. She hasn't meant anyone as young as me that had my intelligence. Other than Tony, I was one of the smartest people she knew, and I only showed my ability with a hologram.

"Thanks..." I respond, blushing a little, embarrassed in different ways.

As I go through the computer, I noticed she was watching me. She seems like a very nice person but it still seems weird. I've never had to work with supervision like this. Sure I was yelled at my other job, but all I did was take pictures out of the building. Man I hated that job.

Wait. I lost that job today too. How many things happened today?

Trying not to hurt my head, I get to a folder in the hologram. It opens a file with an Iron Man suit. I look through its components, admiring the mechanics.

"Like this design?" Pepper asked.

"It's amazing. Never seen anything like it before" I answer, being honest.

"Tony has been working a lot on it..." Pepper paused.

"Where is...Mr. Stark" I ask.

I didn't know if I should of called him Tony too. Don't know him...personally.

Peppers head perked up, seeming happier.

"He's at the city center, presenting a speech. They wanted to thank him for his bravery" Pepper explained.

"Oh" I say shyly, wanting to meet him.

She knew it too.

"I have to head down there soon...would you like to come?" She asks, smirking at me.

Don't say something stupid. Don't say something stupid.

"Boy, would I!"

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