Chapter 17

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"I'm home".

No answer so that means nobody's home. I guess I'm used to talking to myself anyway.

"So that means I can talk out loud without anyone judging" I yell, sitting in the couch.

"Hey! Shut up!"

I hear a faint yell from the house to the right. I guess I forgot I live in New York. The happiest place on Earth.

"Sorry!" I yell back, unsure they heard me that time.

Most everyone that knows me knows I'm really nice and sweet and quiet. At least from Aunt Mays stories. She's like one of those old ladies who can talk for hours if she wants. Well, she is an old lady, so I guess it already makes sense. Speaking of May...

"Where is she?" I ask myself, looking around the house, going to her room.

It hasn't taken me more then a second to realize she was over at the rest home again. I guess I've always come home later when she already got home. It's been busy. She seems busy too. I don't know why she keeps going over there. She might just be preparing when I move out, or maybe even keep the house. I've always liked this place. Lived here basically my whole life. Be nice if it was bigger though. Maybe even more technology I could add...if I could afford it.

"Who's this?" I question, looking at a photograph of a woman by Mays bed.

She seemed pretty old. Even older than May was and that was saying something. The woman had a lot of hair for someone over 80. Still partly brown and curly. Actually kind of pretty...who is she?

"Let's see" I mumble, opening the frame carefully.

Removing the photo, I tried to find any writing of some sort. Old people always seem to do that. And just like I thought, there was.

"2011...Peggy Carter" I read, not knowing the name.

Sounds important. I've never seen her before but it feels like I've heard of her. Somewhere...from school or something...maybe. Why would May keep this? I didn't know May had friends as old as her. Maybe that's why she's over there. Just seeing a friend...

"I know how it feels, May" I blush, placing the photo back in the frame.

Walking out, I had no idea what to do. I couldn't patrol. Might be late again and get my butt handed by a 70 year old. She may be old but she's fierce. Probably where my sass comes from. Besides, I don't want another awkward talk again. It seems that I've gotten more questions then jokes from May. It's a little strange. It's not like May to pass a's probably just uncle Ben...

"Only 7 o'clock?" I sigh loudly, bored out of my mind.

What should I do? Read a book? No, too tired. Watch tv? No, too poor. Sleep? No, too early. Call Gwen? No, too risky. Well, that covers about everything. I guess my life is over.

"Ugh!" I flop on the couch, not able to think of an activity.

Food...should I eat? Am I actually hungry or am I just bored so I think I am. I know it's a thing so I have to leave it as an option.

"Ow" I react, feeling my stomach punch itself.

"I'll take it" I mock, getting the strength to get up.

I walk to the kitchen, sticking feeling my stomach trying to eat itself. I guess May was right. I do need to eat more. Probably should listen to her more often. Okay, enough understanding. I need food.

"Please be edible this time" I beg, opening the fridge.

Old people food everywhere. What to choose. And that when I saw it.

"Ice cream".

What? I'm 16. I deserve to still act like a child. Not everything in my life to be serious. I hate those parts of my life. It's like I'm being controlled or something. But not this time. This time, to shine...or eat.

"I've needed you" I admit, sitting at the table.

I'm actually relieved for once. For the past two days, so many things have happened. So much, you could probably write a book on it. But now I can just relax and eat ice cream...but what if things just get more complicated?

"Peter, stop thinking" I remind myself. Trying to stop.

It's only been two days. I've been fired and hired on the same day. I met Tony Stark and work for him. I get to graduate as a sophomore. At least that's in 3 weeks. Man, for only 2 days, that's seems like a long time. I can't tell if time is going slower or faster. And why am I already done with half my ice cream?

"I have a problem" I admit more, still talking to myself.

Is it weird that I talk to myself? I mean, I do it all the time in my head and its considered normal. Even in my head, it's weird. It's like I'm not speaking to myself but to others, like watchers. It's like I'm telling how I feel than just explaining. Feels like someone is listening...hello?

"Yep...I'm crazy" I accept, eating the rest.

I know that I'm different. I'm also weird. But isn't everyone? We're human, and that's makes us special or something. Thing is I'm technically a spider too. Sharing the whole DNA thing makes it a stretch. But, even an unlimited amount of spider DNA couldn't take my weakness away, awkwardness and anxiety. The A' it all makes sense.

"You can't be smart and confident at the same time" I think out loud, shrugging my shoulders.

I don't know why I never made this connection before. It makes sense. You have to be smart enough to support and solve the earths problem and you're an underdog to the jocks. Maybe I did already understand that. Maybe I'm just tired. And the ice cream is gone.

"And it's like only 7:15"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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