Chapter 6: "Keep your distance"

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Striding through the hallway felt eccentric and sort of exhilarating. Elena was still out taken by yesterday’s outrage that drove Justin to throw hurtful shattering glass across her face. It felt different. He had never acted this way before. He had never tried to hurt her; it has always been him the one to shield her from any potential harm.

As if she needed him injuring her at these moments, emotionally and physically. Elena tilted her head up and hoped to what she had just observed. Ryan, in his baggy shorts and oversized jumper, beamed at her sight and didn’t hesitate to walk closer, arms wrapped around her waist.

Here’s my girl.” He planted a butterfly kiss across her cheek. Just like she had always felt when he was around, Elena’s stomach got disturbed with floating butterflies, making her overlook what kept her wakeful through the whole endless night.

Hey.” She mumbled back posing her head on his shoulder. Somehow, it didn’t matter how deep Ryan’s blue ocean pupils were, it didn’t matter how gentle he was holding her, Justin’s image glued to her memory.

Thoroughly, his withdrawal prompted Elena to back away a bit still searching for his warm hugs. “Are you okay baby?” He whispered catching a glimpse of soreness in the way she stared around her.

I’m fine.” Was all she could say. What was she supposed to respond either way? Justin was spying on their first date, he was drunk, then threw an empty glass across her face?

 A gentle touch from the tips of his fingers, tugged her chin up to meet his gaze. Ryan observed his girlfriend vigilantly searching for answers. That wasn’t an I’m-fine-really-just-a-cranky-morning I’m fine, that was most definitely an I’m-not-okay-but-not-in-the-mood-to-speak I’m fine. However if she didn’t want to talk, he wouldn’t be able to make her. His lips softly brushed against hers, hurling the pain away.

A loud oblivious throat clearing thumped in their ear.

Keep your distance.” Mrs. Daughtery gritted her teeth as she walked past them bashing her shoulder against Ryan’s as a warning.

Yeah. That’s exactly what I need right now.” Elena snapped and was ready to make her way through the students to her class aghast. Ryan’s grasp on her hand slid to her fingers slowly withdrawing even as he shouted after her “Don’t mind her.” She couldn’t take it anymore.


It was past 1 p.m. when Mrs. Daughtery strolled inside the class, and everyone suddenly went silent. Right after she made her way to her desk, a dark skinned girl appeared from the threshold. That was Britney the make-up artist, Elena had known for years but never really was that much of a close friend to her.

It wasn’t much of a surprise when she noticed the girl wasn’t alone. Justin walked inside hand in hand with her. For a moment, she thought her eyes were fooling her, but Justin’s face was clean-cut from every bruise painted on his face the night before. No doubt, Britney had drawn off the contusions with some of her products.

The couple headed to their seats in the corner of the class, as Britney didn’t settle for sitting on the chair. Nothing mattered to that girl, she couldn’t care less about what others thought of her or called her behind her back or even sometimes to her face. Justin’s lap seemed more comfortable than the wooden chair.

The heat was rising through Elena’s veins, blood boiling with annoyance at the sight of the teacher taking no notice of their behavior. It always felt like she had a thing for Ryan, that if they just held hands, she would suspend them for the rest of the year.

Yeah leave Justin fucking one of his bitches, but when I hold hands with Ryan you start scolding me. Fair enough.” The words were flooding out of her mouth. Clenching her fists, she had had enough with what seemed to be injustice. Even the seat was getting tauter on her body, standing up sounded like a good idea.

Exactly like every teacher/student confrontation would end up, every single person in the room, that seemed to be tightening around her, began to whistle and tap on the tables encouraging her to speak louder. Everyone, except Ryan, Justin, and Britney.

Excuse me?” Mrs. Daughtery flinched and lifted her gaze to meet her student’s, shocked.

You heard me.” Elena snapped. Ryan’s hand reached for hers to calm her down surprised as well by her behavior. She jolted it away never breaking her glare locking her teacher in her place.

Elena Carter. You are suspended for a week. Get out of my class.” Mrs. Daughtery pronounced and gestured to the door refusing to back away.

Even though she expected that, she didn’t give a damn.


Elena wrapped the jacket around her shoulders tighter, and stared down at her legs one to the front and one to the back following each other. She honestly didn’t want to think about what she was going to do in her spare time or how this is going to affect her grades, or her chances to pass this class. All she wanted was to get to her dorm, throw herself on her bed, sleep and never wake up again.

The heat of a car engine, sent a warm shudder through her. To her side, Justin was driving at her pace and looking through the window.

Get in. We need to talk.” He uttered reaching for the door handle.

How the hell did you get out of class?” She frowned at his sight a twinge forming in her stomach.

I got suspended too.” The usual adorable laugh escaped his mouth, his eyes narrowing, like the careless douche he had always been. A breeze of relief rushed through her.


Curtains closed, door locked, the two of them sat on the couch staring at each other. Elena swallowed hard when she noticed the twinkle in his caramel eyes as a cute beam was forming across his pink lips. Maybe Justin wasn’t so bad after all. And why was she even thinking he was bad? He had been her best friend ever since they were seven, he was just probably passing through a hard time. And the fact that he got suspended just to talk to her, felt relieving.

He was definitely up to making it up to her.

What do you want to talk about?” She asked him congregating her straight dark blond locks behind her ears.

Um…” he chuckled blushing and approached slowly to sit next to her. Her heart suddenly bumped quicker than it has been yesterday. And why was there this adrenaline rushing up and down her system? “There’s this girl, Britney.” A gulp formed in her throat. “I really like her... I want to take her on a date, but she doesn't want to go alone. Would you and Ryan please go with us on a double date?

Her smile was slowly sinking into an abyss of disappointment. “Oh… s-sure. Why not.” She chuckled stuttering and refused to meet his gaze. Something was bringing her down for a reason. He didn’t look so cute and forgivable anymore. That was another set up to help him with his girls.

Great, thank you, thank you, thank you!” He dashed and threw his hard arms around her shoulders, a small butterfly peck leaving a fluttering mark on her cheeks. Elena nodded biting her lip, her gaze still locked down… not much of a help to look into him at this moment. “One problem... I want to practice slow dance to make sure it's perfect with Britney. Can you help me with that?

Odd request, she thought. Justin… practicing slow dance… for a piece of date?

Since when do you care enough to practice?” She furrowed her perfectly drawn eyebrows and this time locked him with her gaze.

I-I just... because I like her, and stuff...” He was the one to avoid eye contact now. Interesting lies, she thought again.

Yeah… sure, whatever. Come over before dinner tomorrow. We'll practice then.” She rolled her eyes walking away from his presence.

Slow dance with Justin… that should be fascinating.

 @Viralirry                                      @StatfordsWonder

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And sorry for the late update, won't happen again! Love you xx-

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