ch 3

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(Deysi's POV)

I woke up I tied my hair up in a bun. I walk downstairs and see all the girls except Ally I think she is in the kitchen.

" I guess I should go I don't want to bother any of you" I tell them

"Deysi wait we want you to live with us I feel really connected with you I don't want to you lose I really do care for you?" Camila tells me

I could feel tears coming out but they were happy tears I have never had anyone who cared for me most thought i should just die. Camila and Lauren both got up an hugged me.

"What do you say Deysi?" Lauren asks. I nodded "Deysi me and Camila were thinking and we want to adopt you but only if you want to be adopted." Lauren says.

I hugged them both cause Im so glad they want to adopt me. I told them yes and they started crying I hugged them. We then went to go sit down Camila and Lauren sat together and I sat between Normani and Dinah. I felt my phone vibrate.

C=Chloe D=me

C: Hey do you wanna meet up at the park?

D: yeah give me a sec I have to ask permission first.

C: permission? From who?

D: someone I tell you who it is when I get to the park.

C:OK bye see you later.

-end of conversation-

"Camila is it OK if I go to the park to meet up with one of my friends?" I asked her she told me yes but she said she would drive me there and I just nodded. We walked to her car and got in.

(Camila's POV)

"So what's your friend's name I ask her. "Her name is Chloe she is the only true friend I have she has always been there for me." Lauren told us what you said yesterday of why you live on the streets. "Yeah but that is in the past now I have you guys um... I listened to your music it always helped me and you guys are my idols. You guys don't know how much you have helped I learned from you guys to never give up and stay true to myself I actually stopped cutting cause of your words they helped me." She says

I had tears in my eyes well I'm glad we helped you. Don't let people bring you down listen to the people who will always be there for you cause those are the people who will help you through the hard times I tell her. We finally arrived at the park I told her to text me so that I could pick her up.

(Deysi's POV)

Camila gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to text her so that she could pick me up. I got out the car and I saw my friend on the swing I walked up to her and said hey.

"So who was the person you had to ask permission from?" Your not gonna believe me but I'm living with fifth harmony! "Are you serious I don't believe you." She says. Fine don't believe me you will see Camila later when she comes to pick me up.

"Well if it isn't the loser im surprised you haven't died yet." Gabby says. What do you want I tell her. " nothing I just wanted to come by and say hi."

"Why the fuck don't you just leave her alone aint nobody have time for your shit" Chloe says. And with that Gabby leaves I thank her. I texted Camila to come get me. Three minutes later I see Camila's car pull up and all the girls get out I turn to see Chloe's mouth is wide open. See I told you I lived with fifth harmony.

They walked up to us and I introduced Chloe to them. "So come on Deysi let's go we have an interview to go to you will be backstage watching us OK I just nodded.

(Camila's POV)

So how did it go I asked Deysi. " it was OK the girl that bullies me came up to us but Chloe defended me so yeah." Remember what I told you earlier."OK" she said.

We arrived at the interview with Ellen "OK so girls how have y'all been ?" Good we all respond.

"So I saw that you guys brought a guest with you and she is standing backstage do you guys mind telling me who she is?" Ellen asks

"No we don't mind Camila and Lauren walking and found Deysi so they wanted to adopt her they haven't yet but they are working on it." Ally says.

The interview kept going she asked some more questions and then the interview ended.

Authors note:

Sorry if its kinda of a crappy chapter I'll work on trying to make the other chapters better.

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