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(Ally's POV)

It has been 3 weeks since Deysi's friend Chloe died Deysi has been locked in her room she still is really upset she doesn't go out much the girls have tried talking to her but she just shuts us out.

I just want Deysi to be happy again.

(Camila's POV)

Me and the girls have been so worried about Deysi and well we have a surprise something for her to cheer up with hopefully. I just want to see her beautiful smile again. I walk up to her room and knock on her door I hear a faint "come in" I open her door and see she has her song book out.

"Hey baby girl what are you doing?"

"I was gonna start a YouTube and do a video so I'm looking through my songs cause I'm gonna sing a song or I might just do a cover I'm not sure yet."

"Oh ok. Well me and the girls were worried about cause your always locked in your room and they just want to see you happy again and see your beautiful smile again. I know how much Chloe meant to you but I'm pretty sure Chloe want to see you happy cause I know she is watching over you she doesn't want you to be all bummed out."

"I know its just hard to I mean she was always there for me she helped through the hard times when my family beat up she would let me stay at her houseshe was like a sister to me and I miss her so much."

She was now crying I wiped her tears away.

"Well me and the girls were talking and we got you a surprise I hope you enjoy."

I gave her the pamphlet to Disneyland.

Hey eyes got really wide she started jumping up and down she had the biggest smile ever I just smiled at her.

"Are we really going to Disneyland?"

"Yeah baby girl so if I were you I would start packing" I told her

I told her we are leaving tomorrow. I walk downstairs and all the girls look at me.

"She was really excited she is packing now. She started jumping up and down that the happiest I seen her lately."

"I'm glad I really did miss seeing her beautiful smile." Lauren says

"Come on babe we need to start packing and girls y'all should go pack too."

Me and Lauren walk up stairs and start to pack. 20 minutes later we finished packing. I noticed that Lauren kept staring at me and I asked her what.

"Your just really beautiful I can't help to stare."

I look down and blush she pushes my chin up and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.I smile at her.

" I still kept believe its real I feel like I'm dreaming I'm so glad I got put in this group and had the chance to fall in love with you I'm so glad your in my life and also the girls especially Deysi."

"Me to babe" Lauren says

"Come on we should get ready for bed" I say

I go take a shower I put on a big shirt and some shorts on Lauren puts on the same thing. We get into bed I cuddle up to Lauren

"Goodnight babe I love you"

"Night I love you too"

Next morning

(Deysi's POV)

I had to wake up really early early it is almost 4 in the morning everyone is getting in the car they put the suitcases in the back. I'm surprised management let them go they said that after we came back that the girls would have a tour the girls are really excited and they told me I was allowed to come. I'm so excited for Disney. We drove to the

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