6- The Arcade

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-Day 11 of being Forgotten-

I went back home feeling stressed. Out of every moment we had together Jeffory had to remember when we first met!
I never told anyone about that. Not Aphmau, not Nicole, not anyone. I sat on the couch and turned my head. I just remembered that I put the bouquet of flowers Jeffory gave me in a pot and placed it on the small table next to my spot that I claimed. *sigh*

Just as I was about to turn the tv on to watch Netflix the door bell rang.
*Ding Dong*

It was him... again.
"Hi again."


"Look Katelyn, I'm sorry for bringing up your–"

"Ahem. Our promise remember?"

"Right. Anyways to make it up to you I thought that we could spend more time together. You know so I could get to know you more... again."

"Alright. Where are we off to?"

"I was hoping that you would pick. I don't really know where we use to hang so ya. But don't worry I'll pay!"

"Okay... we used to go to the Arcade a lot to play Street Fighter."

"Wait, Street Fighter? Seriously? That game is so old school."

"Exactly why I like it."

"Okay then. You have a weird sense in games."

"Ha. That was the exact same words you said to me when I first told you about the type of games I like."

"Haha. See I'm already doing a good job."

-2pm at the Arcade-
"Alright we're here!"

"C'mon I'll race ya to the machine!"

"What? Hey Katelyn! Wait up!"

-Inside the Arcade-
"So...this is it?"


"Alright. I'll get the tokens so we start playing."

"Okay." It's really nice of Jeffory to take me here. I mean when was the last time I've been here with him? Urg! It's been too long.

"I'm back! So who are you picking?"

"My usual."

"And that is..."

"The Fire Fist."

"Woah seriously?! From what I remember as a child that character's attacks kind of suck!"

"Well yes, but when you unlock her secret move then she turns into a beast and I got her to do that."

"Did I ever win against you?"

"Hahaha! You'll just have to see!"

We started playing. Honestly it was the most fun I've had since Travis attempted to "date" me on Valentines Day. Oh and the look on Jeffory's face when I beat him. Ha! That was priceless.

"What?! How? I declare a rematch!"

"Every. Single. Time. Hahahaha! Let's play a different game."

"Okay, like what?"

"I don't know."

"How about I try to win you that blue panda over there." He points to that basketball game.

"Alright but I bet that you wouldn't even get close to the high score on that game."

"How do you know?"

"Well because it has been there for so long. Also because I was the one who made that 3160 score."

"Alright. Then that will made me try even harder."

"Okay. So if we're betting, what's the bet?"

"Umm... If you win then I'll buy you dinner... your choice. But if I win, you have to tell me the whole reason about your... dad."

"Urg..." He didn't. "Fine. Deal."



"I'm gonna put in the tokens now Jeffory, you have one minute to try to beat my high score. Ready? Go!"

As soon as I dropped in the token Jeffory was shooting. He got most of the balls in with only like two bouncing off the hoop. I couldn't believe it, Jeffory sucked at basket ball back in high school. How is he so good now?!

He's already at 2600 the timer was at 20 seconds left. Honestly I was sweating. I was so nervous that I have to tell him but at this point I already lost. He's at 3000 with 10 seconds left. Urg! No.


"And the crowd goes wild! Jeffory! Jeffory! Jeffory! Haaaaa! Wooo! I win Katelyn!"

"Alright. I'll tell you. But not here."

"Okay, by the way here's the panda I won."

"It's okay keep it for Abby."

"Heh, I would but you see... that girl doesn't really play with stuff animals the only one is that one teddy bear she got before her mom died."

"Oh. Well okay I'll take it... I guess."

We walked towards the centre of the front of the Arcade. It was a fountain, we sat on the edge with the blue panda in my arms. I cleared my throat to prepare myself for the worst.

"You see it started like this...

We were a poor family all we could afford was food. But my dad... he had a gambling habit. Every now and then he would gamble most of our money away and he would come home drunk.

Over time his habit turned into an addiction he would come home drunk as always and that's when my mom stepped in. One night she didn't know that I was awake I heard them her and my dad agruing... I hid at the top of the stairwell.
My mom was a beautiful brave soul, I have always looked up to her. She threaten my dad that she would leave him and bring us, the kids, along with her.
My dad hated the idea so he beat her up. I was like you, so shocked that I couldn't move. But I forced my self to move and climb into my bed.

The next day I found my mom in my bed sleeping with me. This continue for months. The last words my mom ever said to me were..." I started tearing up. Is this a dream?

"Katelyn...?" Jeffory's presence made me remember that it wasn't one. That I'm actually telling him this story.
"Look, I understand if you don't want to continue. I'm pretty sure that I could figure it out from there."

I smiled at him weakly and I said,
"Thanks Jeffory." Without realizing it I hugged him and he hugged me back.


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