The Best Man

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Luke's POV

Okay Luke, just pick up the phone. It's not that big of a deal. It's not like you two had a falling out or anything, you just haven't talked for almost two years. That's life. Plus, its not like you could've gotten ahold of him right away, you didn't even know he had a cell phone.

Screw it, I'm just going to rip the dam band-aid off.

"Hello it's Jess. Who's this?" Damn, I forgot I got his new number off of his mother and he doesn't have my cell number.

"Uh hey Jess, it's Luke." God I sound like a bumbling idiot.

"Oh hey Uncle Luke, could this wait? I have a meeting I've got to get to."

"Yea- uh no." And there's the idiot again. "This can't wait, Jess." I hear a stifling sound from the other end and then Jess's voice saying 'Family Matter.... Can't... meeting.. postpone.'

"Okay, so what's up. Haven't heard from you in, what has it been? Almost two years now?"

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, things around here have been nuts."

"Don't worry about it Luke. Life happens. If it wasn't for the fact that Liz is trying to make amends for all the years she was a shitty mom, I wouldn't even have contact with her."

"Yeah, that's what she told me whenever I asked her for your number."

"So what was the pressing issue at hand?"

"Uh, yeah, of course. Your mom has probably told you that me and Lorelai have been back together for a while."

"That she has. Congrats by the way."

"Thanks kid. Well, I kinda asked her to marry me last night."

"That's amazing Luke! You're actually going to go through with it this time right?" I swear I can hear that Damn kid's sarcasm through the phone.

"Yeah we are actually going to go through with it. There were just so many factors last time, with April and everything. But we've grown up a lot in the last few years and we are definitely ready for this step this time." I don't think I realized how much I needed to say those words out loud until talking to Jess.
"And me and Lorelai talked about it and We'd.. I'd like you to be my best man at the wedding."

"Luke, I'm honored, man. I'd love to be your best man!" I hear his pause , as if he's trying to figure out what to say next. "There's uh just  something I need to tell you though."
Shit that doesn't sound good.
"The reason I haven't contacted you is complicated. Listen Luke, after you left the Open House in Philly, Rory stayed. Long story short, I kissed her, and she told me that she was in love with that trust fund jerk, Logan, and then left. She used coming to see me as a way to get back at the douche for cheating on her, and once I found that out, I can honestly say that hurt me more than a stab in the heart would have. So I kind of regressed back to my teenage self for a couple months.. and by that i mean that i may have hooked up with a few girls, and then one of those hookups became a constant thing for a while."

"Jess what did you do?"

"Just listen, please.You can tell me all about your disappointment once I finish." I can hear the pleading in his voice, so I decide to do as he asked and keep my mouth shut.
"Me and Sandra, that was her name. We hooked up a lot during my time of regression.. I can't say I regret anything that happened because, well 'cause I got a beautiful baby girl out of it."

"What?!? You got a what?!" I know i promised not to say anything, but what?!

"Her name's Laura and she's turning one in a few months , and she's got the most beautiful smile. And I've been raising her alone for the past 9 months. Sandra decided she wasn't mother material whenever Laura was a week old and up and left me and her in the middle of the night. I knew you'd be dissapointed so that's why I've stayed away for over a year. That's why I haven't talked to anyone in Stars Hollow. I couldn't face you or.. anyone else for that matter."

By anyone else, anyone with half a brain would understand who he means. I'm stunned, I don't know what to say to him. I had a kid at his age, but I wasn't there for her. At least he's manning up and being there for his kid. That's something I never had the chance to do, until just recently.

"Oh Jess, my how you've grown from the annoying 17 year old who couldn't be bothered to take his nose out of a book and his head out of his ass. And now you are a working single father. No, the situation isn't ideal, and I wish you would have told me sooner so I could help, or at least be there for you and help. Jess, you don't have to be on your own. You have me and Lorelai, and even Rory and Liz and Tj. Damn it Jess. I'm so proud of you for raising this little girl on your own. The only person I have to be dissapointed at is myself because I made you think that you couldn't trust me. But i am not disappointed in you in any way."
By this point I'm almost in tears. I haven't cried since Lorelai broke up our first engagement. I don't even really know what I'm feeling, but I know I feel pride in my nephew towards the person he  has become, and  pride in myself knowing that I helped him become the man he is today.

"Luke.." I hear his voice crack, and I can tell he's just as emotionally screwed as I am. "I am grateful for everything you did for me during my time in Stars Hollow, but this was something I needed to do on my own. Me not keeping in touch had very little to do with you, and more to do with me and how much growing up I knew I still had to do. I swear to bring Laura over to visit before the wedding activities start, just promise me one thing Luke. This is important."

"Anything Jess. Anything."
I can honestly say that I would do anything for him, just like I would for Lorelai, Rory, Liz, and April.

"I need you not to tell Lorelai or uhm Rory or anyone else for that matter. I can't have them find out like this. You and Liz are the only two that know, she hasn't even told Tj. Can't you do this for me?"

"I can do that, but uh, there's another part to the wedding and best man announcements."
Damn, he is so not going to like this news, but now, more than before, he needs to be prepared for what's ahead of him.
"Rory is going to be the Maid of Honor so you two will be spending a lot of time together through the duration of the wedding events."

"That was kind of obvious Uncle Luke."

"Yeah well here comes the not-so-obvious part smart ass." I could hear a chuckle from the other end, but I knew it wasn't gonna last long.
"Expect a phone call from her soon about meeting up in the next few days. I'm sure Liz filled you in on everything from the weather in Stars Hollow to Rory's every move, so it shouldn't surprise you that Rory's been traveling with the Obama campaign and may be coming to Philadelphia soon. I'll keep Laura a secret, but you better be prepared for everyone to know about her sooner than later, kid."
That was the exact moment, I could feel my nephew's heart fall out of his chest and onto the floor. That was the moment that I could tell that Jess was still in love with Rory, and always will be, weather she felt the same or not..

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