Town Meeting

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Hey guys! Almost 500 reads! You guys are absolutely amazing! I'm going to try and do a double update today because of your awesomeness!
Go follow @ Rorygilmoree on Instagram! She posts great edits and is an amazing person in general! :)


Taylor's POV

"Attention! Attention!" This town would have no order if it wasn't for me and my gavel.

"They are listening Taylor." I hear Ms. Patty say beside me.

"Ah, well let's get started then. First off any ideas for the upcoming End Of Summer Madness Festival?"

"How about a costume contest?!"

"That is the singular most insane idea anyone in this town has ever had!" I'm fuming, is that really the greatest idea these people of this town can come up with?

"I think it's a great idea!" I hear someone from the back say.

"Oh Lorelai, so glad you and Luke could, finally join us."

"Taylor, it's a pleasure as always. As I was saying though, a costume contest would be a great idea! We could do a theme like superheroes, or monsters, or faeires and elves!"

"I like the faerie idea!" Damn you Gypsy. You and Lorelai are going to make this town go down the shitter.

"Fine. All in favor of degrading our town with this ludicrous costume contest, raise your hand."

Of course, the vote is unanimous - minus me that is.

"Fine. Fine. Fine. You can have your costume contest, I'm not organizing it though!" That provokes grumbling from the group, but i can here Sookie and a few others trying to take control of the situation. Good. If you want to go against my better judgement than I want nothing to do with it.

"On to new business, anyone have anything they would like to discus?"

I see Lorelai in the back stand up. Great, this should be interesting.

"I have an announcement I would like to make Taylor."

"Fine, You have the floor."

"Well, I wanted to let you all know, all at once, that me and Luke are engaged again!"

I let out a scoff. "This isnt going to be a repeat of last time is it? Cause I have all of the bows in storage, and I just need to know if I need to go and get them."

I hear Luke's voice next. "No Taylor, you can burn your bows because this time, I'm marring the love of my life, and nothing will stop me."

Good. Even though I may seem like a cynic, I actually love those two together, but lord knows that I would never, ever tell them that.

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