Chapter 1 - Day 1 of 10

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~Len's POV~

"Oliver, you're so adorable~!" Some girls cooed over Oliver's appearance, once again. Didn't they already know he was taken? Specifically, by me?

Oh, that's right. They wouldn't.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll cut your dick off."

I found what Oliver had said to me to be an empty threat, but I kept quiet anyway, no matter how hard it was to have to put up with all the annoying sluts getting their dirty hands all over my man.

Well, more like...I'm his man. Yup, total shocker, huh? I bet you were just expecting something simple like he was tsundere? Nope. Not one bit. He enjoys 'torturing' me in different ways, but I don't really mind it. It's so adorable how...sadistic he can be sometimes.

Trust me, I'm not a masochist, but the stuff he does is so over-the-top that I end up wanting more of it. So much more, that I've started to crave it at school. It's not so bad though. I usually just do my business in the bathroom, clean myself up, and leave like nothing happened. The only problem is that I have to finish up fast so that no one suspects anything. And I always have to cover the smell up with some weird cologne that smells like cherry blossoms.

Alright, alright. Enough of that.... Class is starting.

I shook the thoughts from my head, quickly gathering up my things and heading into class. Luckily, Oliver was with me during this period. That way, I can make sure no one is scoping him out.

"Hey Ollie," I said, smirking at the British boy who conveniently sat next to me.

"Don't call me that at school," Oliver muttered angrily. I shrugged it off and kept talking.

"So, so, what are your plans for today~?" Here we go again.... I'm craving it too much.

"Not during school, Len," Oliver spat, waving me off. To me, he was a bit harsher, but that's probably because he didn't want anyone to know about our special relationship.

"Fine," I grumbled, sitting down lazily. I never liked math class. It always hurt my brain.... So I usually thought up some possible scenarios of what Oliver might do to me today.

And, here comes the bathroom break. "Teacher?" I raised my hand up high. "May I use the washroom?"

"Again?" The teacher remarked. I'm surprised she caught on to my pattern. It's not my fault this class is so boring. "I suppose...."

I bowed slightly in gratitude before hurrying out to take care of my business. It didn't feel as good when Oliver wasn't doing it. Those were only special treats though.

When I finished up in the bathroom, I cleaned up and quickly sprayed myself with some of the cherry blossom cologne that I had with me at all times. It pays to be prepared.

I hurried my way back into class, taking my seat again. The teacher nodded at me.

"You're doing that too often," Oliver mumbled, jotting down a few notes in his notebook.

"You knew?!" I whispered back, a bit louder than what a whisper would be classified as.

"Shh, you're too loud." Oliver glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes. "But yes," he replied bluntly.

I whined softly, slouching. "You're so mean to me...."

Oliver shrugged. "Yes, but it's worth it, isn't it?" I could see the smallest grin form on the corner of his mouth.

I drooled a bit. "Yes...!" I nodded eagerly, acting just as a dog would. I'm pretty sure that's what I was to Oliver though, considering our previous 'sessions'.

Oliver nodded. "Right, so that should be enough. Also, I'll have you know that I could possibly get a girlfriend so that people won't be suspicious of us because of you, so don't get jealous."

I pouted. "But I already am!"

"Shut it, will you? Do you want the teacher to yell at us?" Oliver snapped back at me, narrowing his eyes.

I lowered my head. "S-sorry."

"Whatever, I forgive you. Now pay attention." I quietly obeyed his command, turning my attention back to the teacher. Or so it seemed. I was really just thinking of more scenarios, which led to my 'bathroom break' again. My bad.

Soon after the real lessons had ended, Oliver dragged me to his house, for our own personal 'study session'. I was already getting turned on just by him pulling me to his house by the tie.

"My parents are home again, so we won't get caught," Oliver assured me, quickly unlocking the front door of his house and pulling me in before shutting the door behind us. "This way." He led me up to his room, to which was on the second floor, third door on the left. I'll remember that if I ever come over to his house again.

Here it comes. Another treat of mine.... Uwah, I'm so excited....

Oliver pushed me up against the wall, roughly pressing his lips against mine. He slipped his hand under my shirt, making me shiver. He was being especially rough today, but that was okay. Ehe, totally fine by me~

I was already getting turned on by his rough movements. He moved his knee up to rub at my 'foreign regions', making me become hard a bit too easily. I just loved this too much....

Oliver used his free hand to grip my shirt collar, pulling away from the kiss for a moment to lick his lips. "T-that's all for now," He said, panting from how intense the kiss was, even for him.

"Ehh?!" I shouted, seriously confused and needy at the moment. "Wh-why would you—?! How cruel!" I gripped the strands of my hair, my lower body feeling very uncomfortable right now. It needed attention. And fast.

"Eh, whatever. Let's finish our homework first and maybe I'll reward you even more." Oliver  shrugged, moving over to his desk where he had laid out his homework before we started our intense make-out session, which didn't even last more than five minutes.

"Well?" He asked impatiently. "Get to work on your own homework."

I nodded, scrambling over to my homework, which I had in my bag. "R-right...." I could only try and finish my work as fast and efficiently as possible so that we could finish our own 'lesson' before Oliver's parents returned.

Hehe, I'm a lucky puppy, aren't I~?

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