Chapter 5 - Day 5 of 10

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~Len's POV~

Another day went by. This time, Oliver didn't avoid me as much as he used to. Maybe it was because he had such a breakdown yesterday and that's why he's starting to be kinder to me?


I met Oliver during lunch, and this time he didn't push me away! Lucky me! He still glared at me though.

"What is it?" He asked harshly, setting his lunch down on the table and turning to look at me.

"Can we eat together?" I asked happily. I would probably be wagging my tail if I had one.

"...No," Oliver stated sharply, waving me away. "Maybe next time."

I was going to be sad, but he did say 'maybe next time,' so that means I have a chance, right?! He's really changing!

I beamed as I walked away from Oliver, even if I didn't get to sit next to him. Sure, I was rejected, but there's a chance!

I had to eat lunch outside since most of the tables were filled up and I really didn't care about anyone other than Oliver. Maybe I should get friends....


I jumped up when I heard the familiar voice. There I was again, practically wagging my tail.

"Oliver!" I exclaimed happily, restraining myself from tackling him with a hug. "Why're you here?" I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Oliver's here. Oliver's here. Oliver's here. Oliver's here...!

My mind was literally filled up with Oliver, and I had to shake my head gently to focus. I might have a problem....

"I finished lunch early and decided that I should a bit nicer to you." Oliver looked away as he said that. I dunno why though. Oliver's weird.

"Really?!" I bounced up and down on my feet, my face clearly showing how excited and happy I was.

Jeez, I really am a dog....

"...Yes...." Oliver quickly pointed a finger in the air, pursing his lips. "O-only for today, however! And if you're good, m-maybe tomorrow too...."

"Really?!" I gasped, bouncing more violently now. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver. Oliver.

Once again, Oliver flooded my mind and I couldn't focus. All I kept thinking about was him and the fact that he was changing so much. Also how kind he was being to me now.

"D-don't misunderstand!" He shouted, gritting his teeth. "It's only if you're good! And it's only for two days anyway! Don't get overexcited."

I immediately obeyed and stopped my bouncing. "Sorry...." I laughed softly as I said that, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Don't apologize either!" Oliver snapped, placing his hands on his hips and huffing.

"Right...." I nodded, pursing my lips slightly. Two days. Don't get overexcited. Got it.

After school, I waited patiently for Oliver at the front gate. He came a bit later than usual. Pfft. I mentally laughed at the innuendo I made, and quickly shook it off when I saw Oliver walking towards me.

"Oliver!" I smiled broadly at the other blond boy, and he just glanced up at me.

"I'm not gonna wait," he stated simply, grabbing onto my shirt sleeve and pulling me along with him to his house.

Oho, so I see he's eager himself~? I snickered softly at Oliver's actions, making sure he didn't hear my soft laughing so I wouldn't be interrogated about it. He can be so sensitive sometimes.... It just doesn't seem like him at all for some reason, yet it fits perfectly.... Huh.

Oliver ended up latching onto my wrist tightly the whole way to his house, and I ended up being bruised. Honestly, it was like he didn't want me to leave or something—which I was obviously super happy about—but it hurt like hell.

Once we got inside his house, Oliver immediately pushed me down on the floor and kissed me. Even though we were still in the entry way. And to make matters worse—well, better for me—he even forced his tongue into my mouth. Not...that I'm complaining or anything. It was just...surprising, y'know?

"Mmn, Len...." Oliver panted softly once he pulled away, looking at me with lust-filled eyes. Guess I was getting fucked today, huh? Great~

Oliver didn't take any time at all to strip me of all my clothing, leaving me completely defenseless. It was unfair! Why was I the only one naked? Shouldn't he be at least somewhat naked as well?

Oliver stroked his fingertips down my sides, making me suffer with anticipation.

"Don't wait any longer...." I whined, maybe a bit too impatient.

The younger blond gave me a slightly surprised and confused look, but tightly gripped my hips, flipping me over onto my hands and knees. He pulled his pants and boxers down far enough to let his...manhood (sure) show. "No preparation...?" He asked hesitantly, gripping my hips once again.

"...Yeah," I breathed, not wanting to wait any longer. I didn't even care if it would hurt, I just wanted Oliver inside me. Right now.

"Alright...." Oliver sounded uncertain, but he positioned himself near my entrance anyway. He pushed in quickly with one thrust.

I screamed out in pain. Maybe this wasn't idea.... Damn, it hurt.... Hopefully it'll actually turn into pleasure. And soon....

It was actually...a while before I gave consent for Oliver to move. Finally, most of the pain had died down and it was now replaced with pleasure. Although there was still the slightest bit of pain.

"A-angh, O-Oliver...! F-fuck...!" I moaned loudly as Oliver began to thrust. Pretty fast, honestly. I didn't really expect him to start out like that....

"Mmn~! L-Len...!" Oliver moaned a bit quieter than I had, but that didn't bother me since he was moaning my name anyway.

Oliver's thrusts gradually got faster, and my hands were scratching around the floor, looking desperately for something to hold onto. A bit of spit dribbled down my chin and pooled onto the floor, but that wasn't a big deal.

Our moans filled the entire house as Oliver somehow managed to thrust faster inside of me, both of us close to our limits.

"C-can I...?" Oliver panted out, not slowing his fast pace as his hands fumbled around my exposed skin, roaming around every inch they could get at. He stopped at my own manhood, pumping it with one hand while the other roamed over to my nipples and played around with them.

"A-ah, fuck y-yes...!" I shouted, clenching my fists so tightly that I could feel my nails digging into the skin of my palms. It didn't hurt, though. I was too focused on all the pleasure which was currently flowing through my entire body to notice the small amount of pain coming from my hands.

"A-Ahn...!" Oliver moaned loudly as he came inside me, panting heavily. He didn't stop fondling me, however, helping me reach my climax as well—which actually wasn't more than a moment after his.

We both panted heavily as Oliver pulled out of me, collapsing into the floor. My body twitched slightly with the lingering feeling of pleasure pulsing through me, not wanting to let it go,

However, it eventually faded out as sleepiness took over my brain, and I ended up falling asleep on the floor next to Oliver.

So...that happened.

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