Chapter 3 - Day 3 of 10

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~Len's POV~

After what happened yesterday, Oliver's been extremely distant. I'm not sure why, I mean, I was the one who suffered there, but alright, whatever.

He's avoiding me, but the moment we get home, he's all over me. Honestly, I'm pretty sure something's up. I am a part-time detective after all~

No, no I'm not. It's a joke. Just...move along.

"Oliv—?!" The moment I tried to talk with him, he smacked my face with a book. It was pretty painful, and left a bad mark.... My face was light red the rest of the day. A few people asked what had happened, so I covered Oliver by saying I had run into a wall. It probably just made me look like an idiot, though....

"Hey, Yuuma, can I ask you a question?" I took a seat next to the pink-haired boy, and puffed out my cheeks. I'm pretty sure he's the only one who knew about my relationship with Oliver. Probably because of that one time he saw us when Oliver couldn't wait until we got home and was kissing me behind the school building.

Yuuma gave me a cold look and said nothing, but I asked him the question anyway.

"Why do you think Oliver hates me? I don't understand.... He's extra nice to me when we're alone, but at school he just doesn't talk to me at all...." I looked down sadly.

Yuuma sighed heavily. "Maybe it's your personality."

I huffed, puffing my cheeks out. "I'm not that bad, okay?! Jeez...." I crossed my arms and glared at him. "You're no help...."

I stood up and went to find someone else who could just maybe be of some use to me.

"Ah, Miku!" I ran over to Miku and smiled broadly. She always helped me out without any questions asked! This is perfect!

"Hey Len! What's up?" Miku took a bite out of a leek that she held in her hand and smiled at me.

"Well, let's say that someone hates me...." She flinched at what I said and didn't let me finish.

"Whaaaaat?! How could anyone hate you?! You're amazing!" Miku smothered me in compliments, and I had to push her away from me because she got so close.

"Alright, alright, I get it! Thank you, but you didn't let me finish!" I sighed and took a deep breath, starting over. "Let's say someone hates me. However, when it's just the two of us, that person doesn't hate me anymore. What does that mean...?"

Miku took another bite out of her leek and looked away, seeming to be thinking. "Well," she started, "it probably means that person is embarrassed about saying that they like you in public. I don't know the details though, so that's the best I've got."

I nodded, humming softly in thought. Embarrassed, huh...? Hah, I never would've thought that Oliver would be embarrassed. "Thanks Miku!" I said before running off.

I stopped at a vending machine and picked out a small can of juice. "Huh...." I huffed softly, thinking about how Oliver had been acting toward me before.

I thought back to when I first met him.

"Oh wow, you're so cute!" I grabbed his cheeks and rubbed my hands against them, squealing.

"Do you mind?" Oliver's cold words pierced my heart, but that didn't stop a crush. Nothing stops love.

"O-oh, sorry...!" I quickly removed my hands and placed one on my hip, the other grasping the back of my neck nervously.

Oliver looked up at me silently, his face emotionless as if it were made out of stone. "...Thank you...." He mumbled the words out as if he was afraid that something would break if he had spoken just a bit louder.

I watched him walk away quietly, my eyes wide. That's it. He's it. I love him.

I chuckled softly as the memory floods back to me with ease and clarity. It really is strange how love works. You never really have a choice with it. It just...happens.

My encounter with Oliver that day had to be fate, right? There's no way that could've been a coincidence! It was fate, I tell you! Fate! We were soulmates! It had to be true!

I clenched the empty juice can in my hand and grinned. "Yes...!" I shouted unconsciously. I tossed the can away and sprinted to class.

I was going to talk to Oliver about this after school. Since we didn't have anymore classes together after lunch, it would be hard to talk to him during passing periods about this kind of thing. And I doubt he would even take the time to stop and listen anyway.

I didn't pay attention much in class. I had spaced out when I was thinking about Oliver and got yelled at by the teacher. I guess I have to control myself a bit more if I wanna even make it through the afternoon without getting in trouble again....

Finally, school ended and I raced my way over to Oliver's locker. He immediately slammed it shut and glared at me. He didn't say a word, but I could tell he didn't want to be seen with me now.

"Oliver, I want to talk with you." I tried to make conversation, but he just flat-out ignored me without even glancing at me. Rude!

"Oliver," I persisted, poking at him a bit, but he shot me a deadly glare that said, "One more poke and you lose a finger." I pulled my hand away from him and smiled awkwardly while holding my arms behind my back.

"So, um, Oliv—" I was about to say something, but Oliver slammed the door shut on me. We had reached his house, and I was just about to walk in when he practically kicked me out before I even got in.

"I don't want to see you anymore today. Go away." His voice was cold, and my heart throbbed slightly at his words.

"But—" I tried, but he just shouted at me through the front door.

"Go away, Len!"

I flinched, and went silent. He had never even said my name before.... I'm surprised he even knew it....

Why? Why had he never said it before? Was he annoyed so much with me that even saying my name gave him a headache?

Was he embarrassed?

I sighed and mumbled, "Fine," before slowly walking away. I wasn't sad, though. My lips twitched slightly as the corner curved up into a small smirk as I walked off.

"Huh...." I murmured to myself as I walked home. "What was he thinking...?"

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