Chapter 7 - Day 7 of 10

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~Oliver's POV~

Yesterday really was tiring.... Len's sleeping now, so I'm waiting for him to wake up.

I huffed, resting my head on my crossed arms which were held up on the side of the bed that Len was lying on. "Dummy...." I mumbled, gazing at Len's sleeping face. He looked content as his chest rose and fell in a rhythm. The only thing about him that didn't look hot at that moment was the fact that his head was wrapped in bandages that needed a change desperately; they were soaked with blood.

I flinched when Len mumbled something quietly, and his hand twitched.

"Len?" I hesitantly poked his arm, pursing my lips as I waited for some sort of reaction.

All that the older blond did, however, was move his arm away and rest it over his chest.

"Rude...." I mumbled, sitting up and stretching my arms out over my head.

"Sir? Visiting hours are now over, but you will be able to come back again in a few hours. Thank you for understanding." A nurse bowed slightly as she opened the door for me. I nodded and walked out.

There wasn't anything I had to do today in particular, so I called one of my old friends, Ritsu. It had been a while since I talked to him.

"Hello?" Ritsu answered almost immediately, as if he was waiting for someone to call. Something was strange, though, since his voice was a bit higher than when I had last seen him.

"Hey, Ritsu. It's been a while, huh?"

"Oliver? Oh, hey! Yeah, it has!" I could hear the excitement in his voice as I imagined the redhead bouncing up and down.

"You're still in town, right? Haven't moved or anything, have you?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip.

"No, why?"

"I have nothing going on today surprisingly and wanted to know if you wanna hang out."

"Really? Oh, sure. You've been busy for the past year and a half, is that it?"

"Shut up," I hissed softly, furrowing my eyebrows together. "Meet me at the park in an hour, alright?"

"You mean that park?"

"There's no other park nearby, dumbass."

"Sorry, sorry! Fine, I'll be there. Bye~!" The phone clicked, and I slipped it back into my pocket. He's a strange guy, huh...?

I sighed as I waited out the hour, already at the park. There really wasn't anything else to do, so I just...waited.

After the whole hour was wasted, it took about five minutes for Ritsu to show up. Upon first glance, the redhead tackled me.

"Oh, Oliver! I've missed you! I haven't seen you in such a long time! Ever since I switched school's we haven't hung out! We need to hang out more!" He rubbed his cheek against mine, but I pushed him away.

"D-don't do that!" I hissed at him, narrowing my eyes. "People might think strange things."

"So?" Ritsu asked, furrowing his eyebrows in disappointment.

"So, people will think you're my...." I trailed off, looking down at Ritsu's new appearance. Specifically, his new rack.

"Hmm?" He asked, looking where I was staring. "Oho, you mean these~?" Ritsu triumphantly cupped his breasts, shaking them slightly. "They're pretty great, huh~?"

"Not at all," I deadpanned, glaring disgustedly at the redhead.

"Aw, that's mean, Oliver!" Ritsu pouted, puffing out his cheeks as he did so. It looked...girly, to say the least.

I crossed my arms. "It was a mistake calling you," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Hey, that's not something you'd say to your best friend!"

"You're not my best friend."

"Eh?!" Ritsu shouted, stomping a foot in shock. "What do you mean?!"

I glanced at Ritsu out the corner of my eye. "I mean, you're not my best friend."

"That's so mean, Oliver!" Ritsu complained, crossing his arms.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I just don't like you as much as I did before." I shrugged.

"But we spent so much time together!" Ritsu whined, seeming to get sadder by the minute.

"Yeah, that was back then," I sighed, "and this is now."

Ritsu huffed. "I can't believe I still like you...."

I raised an eyebrow. "I still like you, just not as much. What's wrong with that?"

"No, I mean that way!" Ritsu burst out, blushing.

I flinched. "Wha...?"

"I'm gay, and I like you, Oliver. That's one of the two reasons I started cross dressing. I thought, maybe if I looked more feminine you would like me, but that's obviously not the case!" The redhead shouted, tears forming in his eyes as he moved a hand up to wipe them away before they fell.

"H-hey, wait...." I twitched slightly as I raised my hand to reach out for Ritsu, but he just smacked it away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Ritsu, I—"

"I was so happy, Oliver! I was getting to see you again after so long! But you obviously didn't give a shit whether or not I was around!" Ritsu bit his lip hard, looking down. "I'm leaving," he mumble, turning on his heel and running off before I could stop him.

"Ritsu!" I shouted, starting to head after him, but every muscle I had restrained me from taking off.

I huffed, kicking a stone away from my feet as I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance and slight guilt. "Great," I spat, "now I've got him to deal with as well as an injured moron."

I sighed, slipping my hands in my pockets as I headed back to the hospital to visit Len once more before I headed back home. I had to think over everything that had just happened. Why am I feeling deja vu...? That's weird....

I shook my head as I plopped down on my bed, taking my bird, James, out of his cage. I felt a bit bad for neglecting him a bit lately since I'd been spending a lot of time with Len, but it's only natural for one to think about their crush often, right? So, there shouldn't be a problem.

I let James rest on my finger as I used my other hand to pet the bird gently, sighing.

"James, what do I do...? I'm lost...."

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