1. We are a family!

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“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

― Oscar Wilde

‘’Wake up!!’’ My elder brother yelled, shaking me wildly. I slapped his arm and turned around to face the window. He started poking me as I covered my face with the quilt. 

“Go away’’ I mumbled, slapping his arm again. Too late. I was already cold with my blanket gone. I guess that is what happens when your brother decides to wake you up. Mhm I am really lucky. And do not ignore the sarcasm.

‘’I hate you big bro’’ I made sure he knew. With that said, I sat straight on my bed and lazily gazed around trying to make sense of things. It's a daily routine. 

“I love you too, Brit! Now get ready, we are leaving in an hour." He informed me and pushed me off the bed so he could make it and then get rid of me. 

I blinked as his words didn't sink in my mind. It was early in the morning for gods sake. “Leaving? Where are we going? Las Vegas?" I asked him in a hazy voice. A girl can dream after all.

“Oh you wish. No. Back home. Rings a bell pretty Britty?” He made his way out of my room, oh well, his dorm. 

“DON’T CALL ME THAT CARTER EVAN THOMPSON!!”  I yelled after him, getting up from the bed.

Huh. I thought that yelling the whole name does wonder and definitely tells the other person that you’re mad. Yep! Sure conveys the message that you are mad, like really mad. See how it worked? He didn’t even bother replying, just left! he is so going to pay. Pfft. Honestly, I am sad about going back home. Not like I don’t love my parents, I do but less than how much I love my brother. He is my pretty boy, one guy who is never going to leave me no matter what I do. Someone I trust to be here, oh well, in his dorm. But you get my point right?

I checked my phone. 6:37 AM. W-O-W! I just created history! I mean who gets up at this time on a Friday and also the last day of official summer break? Some insane person. Yeah my brother is insane, but this totally points a finger at me so I will just shut up. I hastily take a shower and wear a cotton tee with shorts and flip flops. Can’t go around wearing heels while traveling, eh? I run a brush through my brown hair and run outside with my bag and cell phone just to see my brother sleeping on the couch. Time for revenge!! Taking the jug of water kept on the table I drenched him with water and smirked.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! What the fuck Brittany?!” he nothing but screamed and turns into some shade blue while I laugh like a hyena. He shook his head wildly making me jump and run away from him. I rubbed my arm where a few water droplets had found place.

“Morning Carrie” I grinned at him.

“Morning pretty Britty” he narrowed his eyes and glared.

If looks could kill I’d be six feet under right now. You see, my pretty boy hates it when I call him Carrie. Especially, around his girlfriends. My brother inherited his looks from mom. With green eyes (that I could kill him for) and dirty blonde hair, he was the ladies man. The natural tan and defined jaw, did nothing but add to his never ending modesty. Never ignore the power of sarcasm.

“Lets go, we’ll grab some breakfast on the way.” He grunted and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out with him. Everybody knows better than to trust me inside their room all alone. 

“As you say brother” I mock saluted him with my free hand and winked. 

“You’re lucky I love you so much”

“Or else?”

“You wouldn’t be talking to this Greek God” he said while smirking.

“Someone is very modest” I coughed.

Carter laughed and ruffled my hair.

“Come on! I have to attend a lecture after dropping you home”

We scurried over to the car and zoomed past my brother’s college. He is 19 and is in the medical program. All of us at some point of time in our life decide to become a doctor. With due course of time we change our goals but some stick to becoming a doctor. My brother was one of them. He always wanted to become a cardiologist and when he finally got into the college of his dreams, his happiness had no bounds. You see I am just two years younger than him and that is why we shared a deep bond. He helped me with my problems and vice-versa. But now, he doesn’t have any time to spare for his sweet little sister. This doesn’t mean that we are no longer close because we certainly are and will always be.

“Earth to Brit” Carter yelled in my ears making me come out of my dream world. I looked outside and saw that we were home. The old victorian house stood out in its glory looking beautiful as ever. My parents made sure that it was well kept and that's why it was one of the most amazing houses in the town.

“Yeah yeah, I get it. I am not wanted here” I puffed and got out of the car.

“Later pretty Britty! Love you” And then, poof! He went.

I sighed and head towards the main door.

I entered the sitting room and saw my dad sitting on the couch eating pizza. Don’t let your pretty mind wander. My dad loves pizza and I bet he orders more takeouts than any other teenager does! Cue the shudder.

“Brit! You’re back.” Dad smiled as he took another collosal bite of his pizza and offered me one, which I declined to. 

“No shit Sherlock” I stuck out my tongue. My dad is pretty cool with cursing. He might have once mentioned that in front of my mom. Didn't turn out well.

“Haah, that’s a lame come back sweetie”

“I think it works fine here daddykins” I laughed. 

“As you say” saying this he trudged to his room grinning like a Cheshire cat. Something is up. I shrugged it off.

I head to my room and notice that the walls have been painted a light shade of blue and white, the king sized bed is now opposite to the balcony facing the garden. My guitar is placed next to my bed and the study table to the left of my bed, next to my walk-in closet and bathroom with dressing. A number of dug out spaces near the study held all my books, novels and DVDs. Looks like mom had spare time. The decor of this beautiful Victorian house changes every few months. That is what happens when your parents own a renowned architecture and interior company.

I ran down the stairs toward my parents room to hug mom. I entered the room to see her typing on her laptop. Typical mom.

“Maaaaaaamma!” I squealed and hugged her tight, surprising her by my actions.

“Liked the changed?” She asked curiously. She asks the same question every time she and dad do some changes which is like forever! 

“When do I never?” I grinned and kissed her cheek “Thank you pretty woman!”

She just laughed. Even at the age of forty-three, my parents manage to look young and head over heels in love. And ladies and gentlemen, that is why I have never had a serious boyfriend whom I loved. Crushes? Yes. Went out on dates? Sometimes. Ok just with one guy and I gave up soon afterwards.Seeing my parents so in love, I wanted that for myself too. But at the age of 17, no one wants to get serious, exceptions apart, like me of course. That’s why I like to believe that my prince in shining armor just took a wrong direction and is too stubborn to ask anyone.

After talking to mom a bit about Carter, I went back to my room and flopped on my bed after grabbing my iPod and soon dozed off, making up for the lost sleep in the morning.

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