2. I hate Monday mornings with a passion!

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"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."

- Winnie the Pooh

Waking up in the morning is the most difficult job I have ever come across, especially if it’s a Monday morning. So obviously, when my alarm went off at 7:00 am, my mood was beyond annoyed. I got up after sulking in my bed for a couple of minutes and then headed off to the bathroom in my room to get dressed. After brushing my teeth and blow drying my hair, I decided to wear skinny jeans with a casual V-neck tee and put on my red vans.

I skipped down the stairs, yes that’s who I am, just to see my dad reading newspaper and mom eating waffles. Oh! That means I’ll have to eat bread and Nutella today. Mhm, I am a vegetarian. I can’t endure the thought of eating a dead animal. Gross, don’t you think?

“Good morning mom, dad” I greeted them as I picked up an apple and took a bite. 

Dad just nodded and went back to read his oh-so-awesome newspaper. But mom, being the amazing person that she is greeted me back.

“Good morning Brit” she smiled and took a seat beside dad and helped herself with a cup of coffee.  

“So I hope you have a loaf of bread and some nutella kept somewhere around.” I gave her a sugary smile.

“Of course! How can I forget that my only daughter is a vegetarian?” she teased me and pointed towards the fridge, where I presumed the precious load of bread was kept. 

“Way to go mother” I said, raising my eyebrows. My parents and Carter make fun of me being a vegan every freaking time they can. I mean what is so wrong about not eating pancakes and chicken nuggets all the time? Nothing! I wonder when they will finally understand my feelings. Cue the fake sob.

She just grinned and handed me my breakfast. Just as I finished it, the doorbell rang.

“That should be Mel!” I exclaimed, happily.

Wondering who Mel is? Well she is a girl. Okayy, that was super lame. Melissa is my childhood best friend. The one whom I played in the park with, the one who I had my night-outs with, the one who I went shopping with. Too cut it short, my soul sister. She is in the cheer leading squad and hence it’s no wonder that she is gorgeous. Her hazel eyes, brown hair with golden streaks and a slim and petite figure makes the other girls burn with envy.

“Hola Julia and John!” Mel entered my house, beaming. Who in this holy world with a right mind would smile on a Monday morning? Melissa Kahn!

My parents wished her a good morning and then we were out of the house making our way to Mel’s shiny Audi. Mel is my chauffeur, the only difference here is, I don’t pay her. I failed my driving test twice and now I don’t have the confidence to go for it again. In my opinion, they shouldn’t have some creepy guy take the test. I totally blame that guy for failing as his persistent glare reminded me of my scary teacher back in 1rst grade. I’ll leave that story for another day though.

“So! I, being the awesome best friend that you have, am going to warn you.” She said in her crazy-mood voice while smirking.

“Sorry to let you know, but I have changed my best friend. Its Ian Somerhalder.” I teased her.

She rolled her eyes and said in an agent like voice “No, like seriously, the word out is that Josh is planning something during lunch.”

“When is he going to get his facts straight? We are over, have been for ages.” I sighed.

Josh Cameron. Ex-boyfriend alert! Many among us have that one relationship that we never want to talk about. Mine would be the one with Josh. This was a year back, and we were together for about three weeks but I broke up as soon as I came to know that he was just with me to get close to Mel. Insane much? Mel would never date anyone I have dated nor would I date any of her ex’s. Not like she has many, just a couple of boys. Chicks before d-cks! Coming back to the point, Josh has been trying to get back with me ever since because I quote “I made his life beautiful”. Pfft, I don’t go for lame cheesy lines.

Suddenly I was tackled into a bear hug. I could recognize this cologne anywhere. My best friend no. two!

“Chasey boooo!” I shrieked in a girly manner.

“My Winnie the poooh!" He hollered.

Weird. My friends are weird, period. No wonder I am insane.

“I feel loved people!” Mel said dryly with sarcasm.

“Piglet!!” Chase hugged, more like squeezed, Mel. Yeah, Chase calls me and Mel Pooh and Piglet. He finds our childhood friendship sweet and reminds him of the cartoon.

“Chase, its okay” Mel chuckled and pushed him away.

“But I missed you two!” he made his version of puppy dog eyes, which never worked on us.

“Oh I know, everyone misses us. Can’t help but be cool.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Gaah, you ruin my fun Brit” he said, British accent evident in his voice.

“Yeah yeah yeah, as if I haven’t heard that one before” I smirked at his lame come back.

I could see glares thrown my our way from girls desperate to get Chase’s attention as we three made our way to the lockers. With dark brown hair and stormy grey eyes he resembled Brant Daugherty and hey! Can’t forget the accent. No, he is not a jock. He plays football sometimes, but just for fun. His parents got transferred here from London two years back and fortunately admitted him here in our school. I was partnered with him for a project and we hit it off. No turning back from there on. He also fit well with Mel and sometimes I wonder if he likes her. Let me tell you, I would love to play cupid, but he never spits anything out. Moron.

“I have Calculus right now” Mel sulked and dropped her head on my shoulder. I started to pet her like I would do to a dog and she jerked her head off hitting me while doing so.

“Feisty! Me likey!” I chuckled and wiggled my eyebrows as the bell went off.

“Well I am off to Calculus too, let’s leave her in this forest Mel” Chase said dramatically, dragging Mel away and abandoning me.

I huffed and went to my first class which was fortunately English with Mr. Hadley. He was relatively young, in his early thirties, and had a next-door-guy kind of look. Everyone adored him.

“I hope you guys had fun this weekend completing you nonexistent homework.” Mr. Hadley grinned at us showing his perfect white teeth. “Ya’ll will be making a report on one of the various cultures of this world and submitting it by the end of two months. I am giving you enough time and will help too, if asked.”

A few groans of protest could be heard as expected. I rolled my eyes. There goes my day!

After enduring some more lectures, lunch finally knocked on my door! Damn, I was hungry. I quickly put my books into the locker and went to the canteen after being joined my Mel and Chase. We sauntered off to our table near the window, taking our lunch with us. As I took my seat, I saw Josh coming our way. Oh shit!

“HIDE ME!” I whisper yelled at Chase and Mel.

They both gave me smug looks and started singing at the top of their voices.

“Take me to your best friend's house

Go around this roundabout

Oh yeah

Take me to your best friend's house

I loved you then and I love you now

Oh yeah”

Way to go! Cheers to the worst day ever, I thought while frowning.

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