6. The unknown

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"When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly."

-Patrick Overton

I was sitting and wondering how things changed so fast. Wasn't I just a kid a few years back? A kid who didn't care about the way she dressed, didn't think about poignant memories, a kid who just lived in the present without any fears, without any dread. How did she grow up so fast? I guess time flies past us pretty quickly and then we suddenly feel like everything is going on in fast forward whereas we are in slow motion.

Deep in thought, I didn't notice my cell phone ringing and vibrating along the edges of the study table.


It fell down bringing me out of the reverie and causing me to jump, startled. I picked it up and without checking the caller, dragged the slider to talk to the person calling.


"Hello? That's how you address your only brother?" Carter's pleasant voice greeted me, making my mouth stretch into a smile.

"Yes! That's what dad taught me. Ignore the person who is too busy to talk to his own sweet, lovely, little sister. His words, not mine" I teased him, while picking up the books that fell off the table when I jumped like a ninja, ready to kill anyone who came in my way.

"Like Oh em geee!" my brother decided to shriek like a girl at that very moment causing me to laugh like a loon.

"Carter, are you gay? You just have to admit it. Denial isn't good. I'll totally understand, you know." I said in a so called dead serious voice, trying to control my laughter.

"Haha Brit, how you wish I was gay. Wouldn't it make thing easier for you? Mom and dad would accept me and then you'll tell them you are not straight, and they'll have to accept you too, because they accepted me. But what if they don't accept me? You'll be on my side, right? Well, I don't give you an option. You have to be on my side. And together, we'll rule the world." Carter ranted. How the hell can he speak so fast? It's a mystery to me.

I started to laugh more like a hyena than a loon after hearing him out. Believe Carter to think that way. No wonder I love mocking him.

Soon he joined in my laughter.

After I was done with my laughing fits, I told him about my studies, Melase (Mel + Chase) and Josh. Though, he was not happy to hear about the recent developments with latter.

"I don't want you to get hurt Brit, he has done that once and if he does that again, he'll be six feet under the ground." Protectiveness was oozing out of his words and voice. That's what I love about Carter. He has always been a caring and loving brother who would shield his sister no matter what.

"Don't worry Carrie, I have two legs. He has an ass. If he hurts me, I'll use my leg to kick his ass!"

"Where is this confidence coming from? Last I remember, you started crying when I mentioned that dumbass. You're not sick, are you?"

"DIE! I so did not cry! There was a bug in my eye. And no, I am doing perfectly fine, no thanks to you but to Alec" I blurted out.

It was true though. Lately, I have found myself thinking of him quite often even though we talk almost daily.

"I totally believe that a bug made my sister cry. And who's Alec?"

"Alec is a boy." I told him with a frown on my face.

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