11. Four inches stilettos - Not my thing!

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Let me explain something about guitar playing. Everyone's got their own character, and that's the thing that's amazed me about guitar playing since the day I first picked it up. Everyone's approach to what can come out of six strings is different from another person, but it's all valid.

                      - Jimmy Page 

“BRIT! COME ON!!” my brother’s voice rang in my ears, yet again I might add. I scowled even though I knew he wouldn’t be able to see it and quickly rummaged around for a decent pair of black bellies that would go with my black dress that had sleeves reaching my wrist made of net.

“BRITTANY! I AM GOING TO LEAVE YOU NOW!” Carter yelled again standing outside my room’s door hopefully because boy, was his voice loud?

Giving up, I hastily put my feet in the only red four inch stilettos that I had and grabbed my clutch on the way out. As I predicted, Carter was standing in front of me, holding his nose and grunting.

Oops, looks like I hit someone.

I looped my hand through his and dragged him down the stairs. Mind you, it was a very difficult job. Try hauling a guy who weighs 100000 pounds while wearing heels!

He stopped walking all of a sudden. I raised my eyebrows and turned to face him.

“Not getting late now, are we?” I mocked him, slapping his shoulder gently and ignored the growing pain in my ankles all because of this stupid brother of mine.

“Look at you, all grown up, looking so pretty.” He told me quietly, a small smile lighting his face. I felt myself staring at his feet.

“Thank you Carrie, but don’t expect me to complement you back.” I stuck my tongue out, looking at him again and ruffled his hair which had been styled to one side, making him look all the more handsome in his white tuxedo. I wonder how Amanda resists him. Oh man, I didn’t say that. He is my brother for crying out loud!

“Nice shoes by the way.” He smirked, looking at me because he knows! He knows that I beeping HATE wearing heels!

I glowered at him and crossed my arms, standing like the statue of liberty. “I love you too.” I tell him in a sarcastic way. If I could scratch my nails against his smirk, I would but because I’m a benevolent person, I won’t.

Carter started walking again, this time dragging me with him to his shiny black Bentley Continental GT. Now, I don’t really desire a car like his but whenever I look at it, my heart nurtures this physically challenged seed of love for driving.

 I sat in the car and shut the door tenderly, trying to show my love for it while Carter turned the engine on.

My parents were invited to the inauguration of someone’s house their firm designed in the town. It was a five minutes to ride from our home. Carter and I were ordered to attend this boring party by our parents. Like always I’d like to add.

“I talked to Alec. On Skype.” I mumble incoherently, looking outside the window.

My dear brother whistled lightly and asked, “How was it?”

“Nice. I met his younger sister, Mia too.”

“So when will I talk to this guy my sister has been crushing on?”

“How about never?”

“You know it doesn’t work that way.”

I thought about it for a while and decided to make a deal with him. A smirk automatically took over my face.

“Okay, so I’ll get to meet Amanda and you can talk to Alec.” I winked cheekily and opened the door to get out of the car as we had reached the place. Last I heard, Carter was muttering curses most probably directed at me for coming up with such an awesome plan.  Walking past the cars in the parking lot, I waited for about a minute when Carter joined me.

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