5. 21 Questions with the stranger!

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 "At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull."

-Meredith Grey

There are times in one’s life when he/she feels  content with whatever is going on, how the things are turning out. I suppose, this was my time. Life all of a sudden felt much better. I don’t know why though. Maybe because I was friends again with Josh or Mel and Chase were together. I just felt happy and satisfied.

Mel had given me her ‘baby’ as she says, to babysit. In short, drive the oh-so-sweet ‘baby’ home because she was hitching a ride with Chase.

So after driving around the city for a bit, I went back home and made a note to self: Talk to microwave guy! He is an intriguing creature.

As soon as I reached my room, I made a grab for my laptop and charger. After logging in, I noticed a message pop up.

Microwave619-  Nutella girl! Hope your patch up went well. :)

Whoa, he remembered and this made me smile. Too bad he was offline.

LoveNutella13-  Micro boy, it did go well. Thanks a ton for your advice, I owe you O:)

I hit send and took my home work out. Teachers these days don’t leave us kids free for a second! I was doing my English research over Indian people and their culture as it’s pretty vast and I can make a decent project out of it, when my laptop beeped.

Microwave619- Don’t mention it and I’m pretty sure you’ll owe a lot more to me ;)

Me? Owe him more? No freaking way!

LoveNutella13- Haah, I hope not. Owing is not cool. B|

Microwave619-  As you say. Gotta drain this banana shake somewhere >.<

Pssh, it is truly said that people don’t value what they have until its gone. He’ll realize that when all the bananas of this world are eaten up. But is that even possible? Holy shit, I am going crazy!

LoveNutella13- DON’T!

Microwave619- Why not? I don’t like milk and I don’t like banana. My mom doesn’t get it like you don’t.

So he isn’t like his mom who sounds reasonable. I’m glad!

LoveNutella13- I don’t care just drink your milk like a good boy. Think about all those people in Africa who don’t get two square meals.

Microwave619- Emotional blackmailing. Not cool, Nutella girl, NOT COOL!

Boys, cue the eye roll.

LoveNutella13- Haha, it always works.

Microwave619-  You’re evil.

LoveNutella13-  And you are jealous –winks-

Microwave619-  In your dreams.

LoveNutella13- Why would you be in my dreams?

Microwave619- Because you secretly have a crush on me! ;)

I scrunched up my nose. I can’t have a crush on some random guy I met online now, can I?

LoveNutella13- Haha, no -.- and I am not calling you micro. Its creepy!!

Microwave619- Ok let’s make a deal. I’ll tell you my name and you tell me yours.

LoveNutella13- Deal! –shakes hand-

Microwave619- Gah, well then. I am Alec. Your turn.

Alec. I like the name Alec.

LoveNutella13- What if I don’t tell you my name?

Microwave619- I’ll be betrayed? -grabs at heart-

God! This boy was dramatic. I threw my hands up in the air!

LoveNutella13- Bleh, now who is going all sentimental on me? YOU! And my parents named me Brittany but you can call me Brit.

There’s nothing he could do with my name, right? So no harm done. There are so many Brittany’s all around the globe!

Microwave619- Brittany – The Nutella girl ;)

LoveNutella13- Alec- Micro guy :P How was your day?

Microwave619- Nice I guess.

Soon after that we decided to play 21 questions to get to know each other better. I got to know he loves mushroom while I totally devour olives, he hates 1D whereas I love that band! Our favorite color is blue and we both want to meet J.K Rowling someday, (potter heads forever) he hates milk just like I do.

Even though we had some common interests, our differences led to heated arguments. Like who was better, Johnny Depp or Heath Ledger. I was adamant about Johnny Depp being better but he wouldn’t budge! Joker was better, that's all he would say. Like hell!

I didn’t realize we both had been talking to each other since three hours. Has it been that long? My my my..

Microwave619- I feel like I’ve known you for decades! Though I am not even two decades old :P

Wow, he is thinking about the same thing as I am? Not even twenty years old? Hmm..

LoveNutella13- Telepathy! I was just thinking the same. Haha I am two decades minus three years old.

Microwave619- Woot! I am a year older than you.

That was a relief!

LoveNutella13- Thank God you are not some oldie! It would’ve sucked big time.

Microwave619- Why? You want to date me? ;)

LoveNutella13- Keep your ego in check! I don’t date 1D haters.

Microwave619- Haha, we’ll see. We’ll see.

LoveNutella13- You do that. I’m going to go now! English beckons me.

Microwave619- Study and make me proud, Brit!

LoveNutella13- Yeaaah right, that’s the only thing I should do, isn’t it? –note the sarcasm-

Microwave619- You amuse me Brit.

LoveNutella13- That’s my job. Bye!

And then I logged off.

My mind was occupied with thoughts. Thoughts about this Alec guy and our talk. Whether it was right for me to talk to him. Should I tell anyone about it? Carter? Mel? Should I stop logging in on that site? Probably. But the insane part of my brain suggested otherwise. I wanted to get to know him better, make myself known.

Talking to a stranger has its benefits. You are not afraid of showing your true colors. Because even if they judge you, it won’t really matter. But you know what’s the plus point here? The other person you’re talking to doesn’t want to be judged either. There’s that mutual understanding because somewhere deep down even that person is going through the same turmoil as you are. They have build up walls too. And these walls are so high that climbing them will always be a hard job. But once you accomplish doing so, everything will be worth it.

But what if this stranger was a pedophile? An a-hole? A stalker? You never know.. 

A.N: Woot! Another chapter xP Would love to hear what you think about this!  Listen to the song --> I love it ;D 

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