Chapter 3- Trouble in Class

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Who was this guy? How had I never seen him before? 3months he had been here and this was the first time I saw him? And he knew my name? It was so weird. For some odd reason I just couldn't get him or his mesmerising eyes out of my head, this was bad news. I couldn't fall for a guy. It was breaking my rule. To not let anyone in. Especially not sexy Rory. Hopefully I wouldn't see him again even though I really wanted to.

"Jared your late" Mr Lockford reprimanded sternly.

Jared flashed an apologetic grin at him "sorry sir"

"Just go and take your seat." I can't be dealing with detentions on the last day of school." Mr Lockford said not even looking at him going back to writing notes back onto the board that we were supposed to be copying.

Jared strutted past me to his seat directly behind me. I avoided all eye contact he was making with me.

He sat down in his chair and began tapping me in the back with his pen. Closing my eyes and opening them again I breathed out a deep sigh desperately trying to ignore him.

Knowing that tactic wouldn't work he tried something new. He kicked my chair hard with his foot pushing me forward into my desk making a loud scraping noise.

He stifled a laugh. Mr Lockford turned and stared straight at me tutting to himself. Jared was such a dick. I turned around glaring at me. "What" I mouthed to him dramatically.

He passed me a note; it read " who was that guy that you were talking to in the corridor earlier"

Really. We were really going to do this. Fine. I would tell him so he would leave me alone before I got in trouble with Mr Lockford again.

I wrote down "no one. Just some new guy asking for directions to a class"

I don't know why I lied but For some reason I didn't want Jared knowing what mine and Rory's conversation was about.

I threw it back to him. Within two seconds I got one back with bold writing. "IT LOOKED LIKE YOU TWO WERE FLIRTING TO ME!!! It's ok I DEALT with it he won't bother you again"

"WHAT THE HELL" I shouted out loudly forgetting where I was for a second. Everyone in the class looked at me, I went a deep shade of red. Mr Lockford glared at me. "Right Miss Spencer, that's twice you have disrupted the class you can go to the cooler" he shouted sternly.

You have to be kidding me. Not the cooler. The cooler was basically a room were all the disruptive children went to "cool down" when they started causing trouble in classes. No one ever wanted to go there it was full of the school delinquents I certainly did not deserve to go there this was so unfair and all Jareds fault.

"But sir that's not fair, can't I just do lunchtime detention or something" I asked desperately.

"No you can't" he said rigidly " do as your told please Nicole or you can go see the head teacher instead" turning his back to the class again.

God what was up his arse today. He was never like this. I wanted to argue that Jared arrived late and got no punishment but yet I had to go to the cooler. This was so unfair, scrunching my fists up in anger I glared back at Jared making him slip down his chair avoiding my glare.

Nicole looked at me anxiously mouthing "meet at lunch" I nodded my head and went and got my pass for the cooler. I had never been to the cooler before and trust it to be the last day of school that I got sent there. Just my luck. My mum was gonna be so mad, she hated us getting into any kind of trouble but especially me I was always the good one, with good grades and clean record. That clean record was tarnished now thanks to Jared.

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