Chapter 7- Desperate Kisses and Troublesome Boys

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"Right lets get surfing then" said my brother grabbing his board.

Serena was cuddled up next to Josh looking terrified. "No, no way. I'm not getting back into that sea. Something went past my leg it could have been a shark or something."

"How far were you in?" Asked Josh.

"It was only up to our knees" I replied patronisingly knowing what my brother was going to say next.

Josh and Matty began laughing "well then it definitely wasn't a shark it would never come into water that shallow."

"Yeah those are the famous last words in every shark movie before the pretty bikini clad girl gets eaten." Said Serena pointing her finger aggressively at my brother. "I'm not getting back in that water I am happy staying here sunbathing thank you very much"

"It's ok baby you stay here I don't want you to be upset." Said Josh rubbing her thigh whilst cuddling up to her kissing her softly on the lips.

"Right just me, Nicole and Josh then" said Matt passing me a wetsuit top to go with my bikini bottoms.

"You two go ahead I'm gonna hang back here with my girl for a bit, make sure she is ok" said Josh still cuddling Serena.

"Ok dude see you down there in a bit" said Matty passing me a small surfboard.

We walked down the beach together I kept chancing a glance over towards Rory's lifeguard post but I couldn't see him very well, it was too far away.

"I like Rory" said my brother unexpectedly.

"What? You actually like him for real?" I asked shocked. Raising my eyebrows at him dubiously.

"Yeah he seems like a cool guy and he likes surfing so he won me over there. I think he really likes you, you know." Said Matty genuinely. "But just so you know I've heard a few rumours about him through some of the people from school."

"Really like what?"

" I think he has some issues at home. He doesn't really make many friends he kind of just keeps himself to himself. I'm just telling you to be careful ok? I like him, but if he screws you over I will kill him." He said sternly pointing at me.

"I'll let him know that" I said jokingly.

"Why don't we head further down the beach maybe the waves will be better there, less sea creatures too." I said whilst gazing down the beach towards Rory's lifeguard post.

"Nothing to do with the fact Rory is down there then?"

"No, course not" I scoffed.

"Sure" my brother said sarcastically.

We walked further down the beach nearer to Rory. He was at his post leaning against it, talking to another girl with a bright red swimming costume on. My heart sank, was he flirting with her. I suddenly felt really stupid. I stopped mid step before trying to Tug my brother back saying"lets just head back".

"What. Why?" He looked up seeing what I saw. "Calm down Nico it's probably just a friend or someone he works with. Why do you always think the worst when it comes to guys?"

I looked up at him, did he really need to ask that. It was obvious wasn't it. I always thought the worst with guys because i couldn't trust them after my dad broke my heart and left, that's why I didn't let them in, they all just pretended to love you then leave you.

I started walking back again.

"Hey Nicole, Matt." Rory had noticed us. I stopped walking and turned back pretending like everything was fine. Rory ran up to us "hey I called my mate Tiffany she is going to cover the rest of my shift so I can come surfing with you. She owed me a favour so" he scanned my face dubiously. "Is everything ok?"

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