Chapter 4- Lunch Date Disaster

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After getting our lunch that Rory insisted on paying for we headed towards my friends.

Serena was the first to notice us she smiled when she saw me, then her expression changed to total shock in seeing Rory walk directly behind me. I sat down at the top of the table next to my brother leaving the seat next to Serena free. I did not trust my brother to sit next to Rory without interrogating or intimidating him.

"Hey guys" I said cheerfully

Total silence evoked with the whole table looking at Rory. Poor guy what did I drag him into.

"Hi everyone I'm Rory" Rory announced in his sexy voice.

"Hi Rory" " I didn't know you were joining us for lunch" Serena replied whilst winking at me.

Before I even had a chance to speak my brother interrupted the introductions. He looked pissed off.

"What the hell happened earlier Nicole? You got sent to the cooler and talked back to the teacher. That's not like you. What the hell were you thinking?"

My brother was telling me off like a child in front of all my friends. What the hell was he thinking. This was so embarrassing. I felt bad enough without my brother reprimanding me too.

"It wasn't exactly my fault. And so what if I got told off. What is it to you?" I said bravely

"What is it to me? Are you fucking serious?" He was raising his voice slightly. "The cooler is full of thugs do really want to be around people like that. You made yourself look bad and I'm the one always sorting out your shit when it goes wrong. Stop being a such a spoilt bitch." He finished with a snarl.

"Hey that's enough" Rory was out of his seat leaning forwards on the table his fists clenched tight. "Don't talk to her like that"

My brother was also out of his seat now "she is my sister I will talk to her however i want. Why don't you just back off big shot this doesn't involve you."

"I don't care who she is to you there is no way I'm letting you talk to her like that." Rory reprimanded whilst glaring at my brother.

I looked at Jared begging for him to intervene, i did not want my brother to get into a fight with Rory over me. Noticing my panic straight away Jared jumped up and was at my brothers side, he grabbed him by the arm "come on mate lets get you some fresh air it's been a long morning" giving me one last sternful look Matt walked away pushing past people to get to the exit with Jared trailing along behind him.

"Well that was awkward" said Richi breaking the silence.

Everyone at the table looked at him glaringly.

"What I'm just saying what everyone is thinking"he said honestly "anyways Rory I'm Richi." He leaned his hand forward for Rory to shake. Rory leant in to return the hand shake looking a bit unsure. "Sorry about him he's had a rough morning he is a little but stressed don't take it too personally. What with his drama and you rocking up with his sister he was bound to snap any minute."

The table went back to their conversations trying to regain some normality. My mood had dropped, I was pissed off at my brother and embarrassed, i didn't care that he had a rough morning with Andrea, what he did was totally out of order and I would have it out with him later. Noticing my mood change Rory touched my arm and rubbed it up and down invoking flutters in my tummy snapping me back to the table from my thoughts.

"You ok? " he asked with a warm look on his face.

"Yeah I'm ok, I just feel embarrassed. He shouldn't of done that in front of my friends and he especially should never have talked to you like that. I'm sorry. That's not like him at all though. I hope he's ok?" Even though I was mad at him I was slightly worried that something was wrong

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