Chapter 1- Just A Bad Dream

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(Hi readers, I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjoy writing it. Hopefully you will fall in love with the characters in this story and want to follow their happy and sad times throughout this novel.

The story starts off a bit upsetting but I needed to do it this way for you to understand the main character Nicole's back story and why she feels the way she does once she is older. But keep reading trust me it will be worth it. Please read and vote and any comments you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys and hope you enjoy xx)


The darkness felt like it was consuming me but I closed my eyes tighter trying to block out everything, even with my small hands covering my ears I could still hear the muffled noise of arguing. It wasn't something new my parents had been arguing for a while now. They would wait until I went to bed before the slaying match began but even throughout the evening leading up to nighttime I could see the hate in his eyes towards her. She tried everything to please him but nothing seemed good enough. Everything she did was a lost cause, he hated her for some reason. I could never understand how one person could hate another especially when that person bent over backwards to please them.

My father was a good parent to me and my brother and I was the apple of his eye and a complete daddies girl, I would have done anything for him including forgiving him for any mistakes he made which included the anger towards my mother, as much as I loved my mother dearly I would side with my dad even if I didn't understand what it was he was even angry at her about.

The arguing would happen every night and carry on for a few hours it was mostly shouting but sometimes there would be a slamming noise as the front door was thrown open. Tonight was one of those nights.

As strange as it sounds tonight felt different i had a funny feeling in my tummy that just wouldn't go away. After hearing the front door slam I quickly jumped out of my bed the floor felt icy cold on my feet trying, to block out the coldness seeping through my toes i quickly ran to the window. My bedroom was at the font of our house which gave me a view of most of the road. Our house was on a quite street where everyone knew each other which also meant everyone knew each others business which wasn't always a good thing.

As I scanned the street all I could see was darkness with a slight glare Reaching out from the lampposts dotted along the pavement. Trying to stand up on my tiptoes to get a better glimpse of the front porch didnt help at all, I couldn't reach that far being only 6 certainly had its disadvantages, height being one of them, I was always small even as a baby my father always said I was like a little doll when I was a baby and that would be his nickname for me even at 6 years old I was still his "little doll"

Feeling brave I turned on my heels and creeped out of my bedroom door leading to the long hallway towards the spiral staircase treading carefully so that the floorboards didnt creak bringing any attention to myself. As I reached the top of the stairs I heard sobbing. Crawling towards the railings I could see my mother on her knees at the bottom of the stairs, even from far away I could see the worry etched on her face and her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying.

My throat went dry and I held back the sob that rose from my chest my mum never cried even when her mum, my nana had passed away she always stayed strong for us and put on a brave face so to see her like this was a shock and I knew the whole situation playing out in front of me was going to be bad.

My father was standing in front of her with two duffel bags in each hand his expression was stern and hard. She turned her head away from him and placed her hands over her eyes as if his stare was burning through her. It was shocking to see my father like this and for a minute I felt so sorry for my mum and had the sudden urge to just go and give her a cuddle to comfort her like she had done for me and my brother every time we had been upset or hurt.

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