Chapter Five: Everything is just Perfect

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Lost in my thoughts, one that came up, smoking. I'd gone two days without lighting a cigarette, all because of Phoenix. She had an impact on my life, a better one. Not the best impact, but I decided I wouldn't put all my trust on her. Last time that happened the person moved out and got a girlfriend called Quinn. I came back to reality and realised I was just under my dull duvet covers and in my dull bedroom. This frustrated me. Why couldn't I wake up after daydreaming to a room filled with life and colour. I remembered that Phoenix's birthday was the next day and that I had nothing to give to her. I pulled myself out of bed and into last weeks clothes. Who cares what anyone thinks of me?
I strolled into town feeling slightly self conscious that I was walking into girl shops. I needed to find something special, a top? Shoes? Headband?
None of this seemed right. I tried to think of things that I liked about her, her looks, her personality, her kindness. Her smile. Yes, her smile. I would find a photo of us smiling then frame it. I'd found the perfect frame for the picture. It had small sliver hearts crusted into it with the words "your smile brightens my world" 
I found a photo of us on the park bench on the first day that we met. We were looking at each other with true affection, it was a selfie that I'd taken and it looked amazing. As soon as I got home I wrapped it on tissue paper and placed it into a gift bag. Perfect. I slumped down onto my bed, not caring what time of day it was, and slept. I dreamt of nothingness only darkness. I woke up early, the next morning so I could send Phoenix a birthday message.
"Happy birthday, my angel, hope to see u later xxx ;)"
"Aw Dan, you're such a gentleman. But I need to tell you something, let's meet up later xx"
We arranged to meet at 2:35 pm in the park. It was the perfect time to give her my present. I got showered, dressed and made myself brunch. I kept checking myself out in the mirror for about the millionth time just to make sure I looked perfect for Phoenix.
I saw my cigarette packet from the corner of my eye. No, I mustn't touch one, I would smell of smoke and Phoenix wouldn't like it. I made sure I left it a home. I felt proud.
The time came to meet Phoenix in the park, I went early so I was prepared. To my surprise, she kissed my cheek from behind and giggled. I turned around and a ray of beautifulness stunned me. We hugged and I handed her my present. I held my breath as she carefully opened the nearly wrapped package. Instantly a smile crept up on her face and she gave me a one handed hug around my waist.
"It's beautiful, Dan." She whispered then kissed my cheek lightly, leaving it with a tingling sensation. We locked fingers and strolled down the path. Nothing could spoil this moment. She closed her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder, still standing. We were like the perfect couple. Perfect. Just Perfect. Why couldn't life be as simple as that moment? Why was the world so harsh? Why couldn't every moment just be perfect? Just Perfect?

Authors Note: I know this episode was short but there is about 1/2 more episodes after this one then some real drama kicks off so please stick around I am trying to post daily but it is quite hard so please forgive me, thanks

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