Chapter Nine: If you love her... Let her go

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I'd made a deal with Phoenix that I could at least drive her to the airport and say my last goodbye. I was still furious at her for the Instagram photo. I was hoping to ask her about it in person.
The car door slammed shut... She got in and I started to drive.
"Hi Dan..." She whispered awkwardly.
"Dan don't drive yet, please."
I turned to look at her. She had concerned written all around her face. "Dan, I can't stay in a car with you without explaining myself."
I pulled the car to a stop. She faced her lap with her hands interlocked with each other.
"Dan, I know what I did was wrong. Most of it is still a blur in my mind. But can you at least listen to what I'm about to say to you." She whispered.
I nodded slowly, allowing myself to listen to her.
"Quinn invited me to her house for a party, celebrating Phil and hers anniversary. We got drunk and ended up playing spin the bottle like teenagers."
She stopped, a few tears dripped from her eyes as she was recalling the memory. I wanted to reach out to her, lay her head on my shoulders and tell her it was okay... Only it wasn't okay. She kept in her position then carried on.
"I can't remember who but someone dared me to kiss Phil, but I remember that they dared me to do it when Quinn left the room. What made it worse is we took a picture and uploaded it. The plan was to make you jealous, I can't remember why though..." She sighed and put her tears to a stop.
"Phoe-Phoenix..." I croaked trying to hold back tears myself.
"Phoenix." I sniffed. "Who told you to kiss Phil?"
"Dan I told you I can't remember."
This was an obvious lie as she was just covering for someone.
"Phoenix a relationship is built on trust, you can tell me." The word relationship seemed inappropriate to me, I didn't know if that was the right word to call us now. .. If we are an 'us'.
"If a relationship is built on trust them trust me, I don't remember."
I knew when not to push it.
"Phil's children watched us kiss... They told Quinn. Quinn kicked Phil out, Dan. She kicked him out."
"Where's Phil?!" I said my voice raising in concern. Phoenix's voice stayed croaky.
"He's sleeping on the couch in Pjs apartment."
Her eyes locked on mine and then she sighed not willing to say anymore.
Enough was said about the 'incident'. She didn't ask for my forgiveness and if she did I wouldn't give it to her. Time passed and we eventually arrived at the airport. I took her as far into the airport as I was allowed. She kissed my cheek.
"I will miss you Daniel." I winced at the word Daniel.
"Phoenix, don't leave me."
"I have to Dan."
"No human has to do anything."
"It's different."
"I guess..."
"Dan.. Before I leave.. Will you forgive me?"
"Phoenix I don't know..."
"Well give me an answer when I return.... I will mis you."
She kissed my cheek again and ran off to the plane without looking back.
"I will miss you too."
Authors Note: Ahh ok I realise this want at all dramatic IM SORRYYY!!! I read through my notes again and realised that it was the next chapter that was dramatic. Please don't kill me.. As an apology I will write the next chapter really soon so you will get the drama. I'm really excited about next chapter!!! I SINCERELY PROMISE THAT IT IS THE NEXT CHAPTER THAT IS DRAMATIC.
See you later (sorryyyyyyyyyyy)

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