Chapter Seven: Hobbit Hair

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After that Instagram photo of Phil and Phoenix I've given up on self care. I've been living in my bedroom for weeks now only leaving occasionally for food and the toilet. Each time I do either of those things a pain stabs me and I'm filled with neglect. Loneliness. I have to walk past Phil's old bedroom of want too get out of my room. Each time I die a little more inside. Along with living in my bedroom it's also resulted in me wearing the same pyjamas for weeks and not bothering to straighten my hair. Without my straight hair, my hair is a curly mess. Or what everyone on the internet says (including Phil) it's my 'Hobbit Hair'. I don't really remember how this saying came into action but it did. I remember when Phil use to play with it, he used to twirl it around his finger and say I was a girl. Phoenix and I had been distant. I'd ignored all of her calls and deleted all of her voicemails. Her texts were muted and her contact was gone. Cigarettes had been my best friend for a while. Now I don't even bother opening a window and just end up in a foggy mess of my own smoke. If I died because of this I wouldn't care. Everything crossed my mind when I was in this state of depression. Even Quinn. How must Quinn feel? I wonder if she has broken up with Phil over this? But honestly that wasn't my problem. Quinn kicked me out as soon as I walked in her house, why should I care about her feelings. What the hell was I mean to do now?
My phone started to buzz but I switched it off. I didn't need Phoenix's calls right now. It started to buzz again so I thought it must be important. I brought the phone to my ear with a shaky hand....
"Dan, this is Phil... I can explain.."

Authors Note: Ok, ok I know this was the shortest chapter yet but next chapter is when drama FINALLY kicks off. Please stick around I promise the next chapter will be much longer and much better and much more action packed. Thank you if you are residing this story and I'm SOOO sorry this chapter was short. Bye bye guys see you later!!!

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