Jessamine Abernathy's history

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Ten years ago

''So , Ash how was school?'' my mom , Suzzy asks overly hyper if you ask me. We were all seated at our long rectangular dinner table . We always have dinner as a family wich really sucks since I really want to wacth Friends. Like every , night my dad was talking about work and his annoying clients , he's a lawyer, my mom was also talking about her annoying patients , she's a doctor , my brother Ashton was sulking and smashing his peas and I was daydreaming. That is actually quite a nasty habit of mine.

''Fine I guess'' Ash says while continuing to assult his peas.

''Well , then ... Jessie how was your day ?'' dad asks trying to lighting the mood.

''Umm...Good , I got a sticker on all of my assignments!'' I proundly state while beaming a smile that reaches my ears.

Yep that is usally how dinner is for my family and I . Once dinner was over and I was bathed , I went to go see Ash before going to bed. People said that 13year olds were mean and braty but not my brother.

''Ashey!'' I yell as I throw myself on his bed. He then tickles me until I can no longer take it. Eventually he carries me back to my room and shuts the door.

Next morning

I got out of bed and went to go see Ashton but I was greeted by a horrible sight. His room was trashed , his window were broken , my mom was loudly sobbing into my dad's shoulder . My dad was talking to two police officers as I crumpled to the ground and placed my hand other my mouth as hot tears slipped down my cheeks. Before they noticed I was there I heard their conversation.

''Steven , um, M. Abernathy'' said a police woman, ''Do not worry we will find your son''

''I think he probably just ran away from home sir '' said a police man.

1 year ago

''Hey Ellabebella'' I say as I join my best friend , Ella White at cheerleading practice. We don't cheer at school , we cheer at our nearest cheer gym. I've been cheering with her since I was four years old.

''Hey gorgeous'' she said while focusing on the tv in the lobby. 'Gorgeous' , pft yeah right ! I was nothing compared to Ella. She looks like she walked out of the Victoria Secret's Fashion Show. She is tall, like 5''10, she has captivating blue eyes that clashes with her wavy jet black hair and she has clear skin. I was also really pretty , at least that is what everyone says. I have brown hair , grey eyes that occasinolay turn auburn or green and I am 5''9.

''We do not know what has happend to this young boy , he has been kidnapped for nearly a day now and the police still do not have a clue what to do.'' the news guy said. It's been years now since Ash disapeared , the police say they still look but it's been nearly a decade. Every day I turn on the news at exctly 6pm and listen throung the entire thing incase they talk about Ashton, but they never do. '' Oh, yes I understand, very well , ok , thank you '' said the news reporter , I think he was getting urgent information. ''Sorry for that folks, I will now pass the camera to Carol down on 6th street'' says the reporter. ''Hello folks, I am curently on 6th street were an accident has occuried, there was only 1 car so we are guessing the other guy ran off, but sadly the other man , Steven Abernathy ,was found dead , his family members are being notified immideatly''.

I could not hear anything after that. I dropped to the floor and started crying my eyes out as I felt warm arms wrap around me.

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