10. This is how you do it

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Hi guys- sorry that this chapter is short but the next one is definitely longer. If you give me at least 10 votes than I will update by tomorrow. Thanks for all your support. Vote, Fan and Comment XxX


This is how you do it


Outside school

Michelle’s prank had gone well, judging by the loud scream every person in the town could hear coming from inside. But I didn’t stick around to find out instead my gaze was riveted to the guy in the parking lot.

Seth Green leaned against his motorcycle with his eyes closed and his head tipped back. He had a cigarette between two fingers still burning which he brought to his lips, taking a small puff and blowing it out. I bit my lip as I stared at him shamelessly. He had taken off his leather jacket so I could see the tattoos running up his left arm and I thought definitely, definitely my kind of guy. And now all I had to do was put everything into play. I walked confidently up to him and planted my feet inches away from his own.

I could tell he was purposefully ignoring me but it didn’t piss me off. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He wasn’t much of a talker but man when he looked at me like that; I felt ripples all the way down to my toes. It was just so intense.

“I’ve been looking for you.”

He didn’t waste any time. “Is that why you’ve been staring at me?” His voice was deep and low and very sexy, the first time I was hearing it.

I placed my hands on his motorcycle and leaned into him. “What- is there some law saying I’m not allowed to stare at you?”

“It’s rude, not to mention fucking annoying.” I laughed at his bluntness.

“Well if you can fulfill my curiosity I promise I’ll stop staring,” I purred, stepping closer. He didn’t pretend to not understand my words or my movements.

I could feel people’s eyes on us even though mine where glued to his. “Want to take this conversation somewhere more private?” His green eyes told me nothing, he was like a blank canvas and I found it intriguing, I really wanted to know what he was thinking.

He rose to his full heights and for a second I felt intimidated, he was more than a good couple of inches taller than me.

“Get on.”

“Seriously?” I smiled in excitement. Yes, oh yes this has been what I’ve been waiting for. Shit maybe I shouldn’t have asked the question I don’t want him to second-guess his choice.

“You like motorcycles?” He asked with his pierced eyebrow raised.

“Like? More like love.” I said as I touched his bike with awe. I have got to get one of these bad boys. I sighed mentally as I remembered why I couldn’t. “Why do you sound so surprised? Don’t think girls can like something like that?”

He shook his head, “Didn’t expect a Goth to be into such things.” He threw his cigarette onto the ground and crushed it beneath his boot.

Oh right- I’m a Goth. I completely forgotten about the way I dressed. I sighed mournfully, wondering when I could finally go back to wearing my usual clothes. Not yet, soon but not yet.

When I didn’t reply he got on and handed me a helmet which I dutifully put on. I wrapped my arms around and his waist and almost sighed. He had an amazing body.

We drove off at full speed. I let out an excited yell. God, I’ve missed being on a motorcycle. But then it ended too soon. He parked on top of a hill and we got off, he leaned against his bike while I stared at the view. We could see the whole town from where we were. It was gorgeous.

But I was here for a reason. I turned back and looked at him with my arms crossed.

“Will you go out with me?”

He didn’t look surprised. If looks like his I bet girls just lined up at his door asking him out.

“I don’t date; I’m only in it for the sex.” He finally said.

If he thought his crude words were going to fluster me than he had another thing coming.

I smiled. “I know. To tell you the truth I’m not really into dating either.”

He frowned. “Then why ask?”

I took a deep breath and decided to hell with it. I told the truth. “I have this little bet going, I need you to date me for more than your usual two weeks.”

His eyes narrowed. “And what’s in it for me?”

I came closer. I kissed him. Not slowly or softly but hard and fast. He smelt and tasted like cigarettes and all male and it went straight to my head like my parents finest wine had the night I snuck in and stolen it: forbidden and tasty, nothing gentle about him. I pulled back just as he gripped my waist, even though I found it really hard.

“You really need to ask?” I whispered against his lips. He didn’t reply, well not with words anyway. He pulled me back, taking my mouth in a kiss that spun out of control and made me moan with want. We finally pulled away and I couldn’t help but tease.

“Is that a yes?”

He nodded, “But you better make it worth my while.”

My smiled grew. “Trust me; I am definitely worth it and more.”

“Then let’s go back to mine.”

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