2. Goth Girl

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 Hey so I decided to change my story a bit for all my usual readers. Yay we have more Lucas in this- so be prepared for more changes as well. There is a picture of Callie on the side- who you meet in this chapter. Hope you like it. Vote, Comment and Fan XxX


Goth Girl

I burrowed my face deeper into the pillow, trying to hold onto my sleep for longer. But once it's gone, its gone. I'm surprised and extremely grateful that I've even slept for this long. I could see the sunlight baring down on the back of my eyelids.

I sniffed. Something smells... different. I sniffed again. This doesn't smell like my bed. My eyes flew open and I sat up, the sheets pooling to my waist. I woke up fully knowing exactly where I was and what happened last night.

"Good morning."

I placed a hand on my heart and stared at Lucas Mcfadden who sat on the chair beside his desk, in front of me. "God, are you trying to give me a heart attack this early in the morning?"

He laughed, resting his arms on his knees, his blonde hair dropping into his eyes. He was wearing faded jeans and a blue sweater with the arms rolled up to his elbow, his custom bands on his right wrist. "Sorry, I didn't realise you had such a weak heart."

A sudden thought hit me. "Hey- where you watching me sleep?"

He tilted his head, giving me a funny look. "I think you've been watching too many bad vampire movies." He lifted up a book with the tilte 'Quantum Theory' scrawled on it. "I was actually reading."

Embarrassed I looked away. I realised his room was larger now that it was bathed in sunlight. In front of me, against the wall was a large tidy desk with a wheelie chair where McFadden was working and sitting. There was a small book shelf besides it and there were two doors to my right, one leading to the rest of the house and the other was left slightly ajar that I could see it was the door to the bathroom. He had posters of movies and basketball stars but other than that it was really tidy for a guys room and a comfy feeling to it as well.

Awkwardness crept over me. I mean I'm in his bed. He's staring at me while I'm in his bed.

I knew I should say something like 'Thanks for letting me crash here' or 'It was really nice what you did for me' but the words got stuck in my throat. I've never been particuarly good at apologizing or saying thank you, it just didn't come naturally to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Of course." I said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He shot me a 'yeah right' kind of look and I gritted my teeth. How could I have been stupid enought to actually spill my guts to him? And would it be too much to ask him to sweep it all up under the carpet and never mention it again? Maybe I should just get up and leave but I knew I couldn't without saying this at least.

"You're not going to say anything right?"

"About last night?" He said slowly.

"Yes, about last night." I snapped. "You wouldn't want anyone to know that we were together last night, would you?" I stressed the part about 'anyone', hoping that he would get that I was talking about my brother.

Suddenly he stood up, smirking. "Why wouldn't I want anyone to know?I've just managed something that no man had ever achieved. Getting Michelle James into my bed."

I felt the blood rising to my face and I knew I was blushing. Shit. And to my utter fury he laughed and stepped closer. "Sorry I just couldn't resist," he teased.

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