Cross: Chapter -1 : Dreams

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-Time Skip to Monday

(Start of dream )
           It was dark and cold, I was alone in the woods. I couldn't hear anything,or see anyone. I had no shoes on, I walked forward, afraid of what might be lurking in the shadows. I saw a man who was in nothing but black, he appeared to be carrying a dagger . I stood there, frozen in fear of who this man was. I stayed silent. It seemed that the man was not looking at me, but at someone else. I looked around , not seeing anyone until I looked beside me. It was Dedrict.
He stood there, not seeming to notice me. I tried to touch his arm, he was stone cold and stiff. He wouldn't move at all.
I hadn't noticed that the man who had the dagger,was now standing right in front of me and Dedrict . I tried talking to the man, but no sound came out of my mouth.

    Suddenly the man grabbed Dedrict by his shoulder and stabbed him with the dagger. Dedrict dropped to the hard, cold ground . I knelt on my knees and held his head in my arms . I started crying, I kissed his forehead and rocked back and forth. Wishing that this hadn't happened.
The man looked at Dedrict, nodded his head and then walked away.
( End of dream )

I woke up crying and shaking . I sat up in my bed and cried.
Dedrict woke up and looked up at me .

" Angel what's wrong? " He asked very concerned.
I didn't respond. I was to upset about my dream that I just had. I kept crying.
He instantly sat up and wrapped his arms around me . And pulled me to his chest.
I cried and cried. I was so sad and heartbroken . "Shh it's okay, I'm here " . He whispered to me.

He didn't ask about what happened, he just comforted me until I was ready to talk about it. After a little while.
"Did you have a bad dream?" He asked me. I nodded my head.
"Do you want to talk about it?". He asked. I nodded my head and pulled away from him a little so he could see my face.
He held my hands in his two strong ones. He wiped away my tears and then looked at me with focused eyes.

"Okay, so I was in the woods, and there was this man holding a dagger . He wasn't looking at me, but at you Dedrict. You were standing beside me, stone cold and you wouldn't move either. I hadn't noticed that the man had been standing in front of us and he-

I could feel the tears starting to come on again. "And he what Angel? "
He asked concerned .
"Dedrict , he-
I couldn't say it.
"Angel look at me " He said. Taking my hands In his.
I looked at him. I could tell that he was very concerned about me. I loved how caring and concerned he is.
"Did he hurt you?". He asked.
"No". I said.

"Then what did he do that was so horrify-

He looked at me with shock, then he pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

"Angel , I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you so many questions, I should've waited until you were ready to tell me ". He said.

"Instead I made you more upset by asking you to tell me so many times , once is enough ". He looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"I'm really sorry ".
He said.

I sat there speechless, he was apologizing. He is so loving and caring.
I started crying again, but this time it was tears of happiness. But Dedrict thought that he had made me cry because he made me upset .

"I'm sorry I made you cry I'll leave now ". He said and got up off the bed, and started walking towards the door. I got up and ran behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Dedrict , please don't go ". I said.
"But I made you cry, and I can never forgive myself for doing that to you ". He said.

" Dedrict, I was crying because I was happy". I said. He turned around and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"Really?". He asked. I nodded my head yes. He smiled at me and then he kissed me lovingly. He pulled away from me and said.

"We should probably go and get something for breakfast ". He said, kissing my forehead.
"Okay, I'm just going to go wash up ". I said. Kissing him on the cheek.

"I'll be down in a few minutes ".

" Okay I'll start making breakfast ". He said heading downstairs.

Cross:Book 2 Of The Change SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now