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She gazes longingly at his tanned face
Wondering how some humans are
Just so beautiful like the colourful
Birds with vibrant crimson feathers.

And then there are mortals like her
With eyes the colour of stale chocolate
Her hair a mesh of squalid threads,
Her skin like the surface of the moon.

Every time she sees a lotus in the lake
A tender, inaudible laugh escapes
From the chapped hole in her face
For it is so similar to him and her.

And yet she can't comprehend how
The luscious lotus can survive in the
Pond with squishy greasy marsh
Cornering it in a clingy manner.

When his piercing black eyes meet
The woody, prosaic irises of hers
She can see these emerald specks
In them like nebulae in the universe.

Fascinated by his ethereal beauty
She returns back happy to her planet
Where he and her are walking with
Their creeper like hands intertwined.

-a girl who continues living because she believes that somewhere, even though it is probably billions of light years away, he and her are together in a parallel universe. She wonders if Einstein created or discovered this theory to simply restore the faith of humans in believing things can get better some place. Either way, she believes in it and it makes her smile slightly once in a while, which is a sight as rare as observing a snow leopard in Ladakh. She is engrossed by the enigmatic nature of nature (Pun intended), how it is common and rare and hides in plain sight.

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