Chapter 13: Birth of the Shae

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Chapter 13: Birth of The Shae

"It started thousands of centuries ago with an idea, a very stupid idea. Obviously this stupid idea came from humans. All world-changing disasters are a result of a human being's stupid idea.

This stupid idea came from someone I particularly despise, I believe his name was Demion Graves. [ The last name Graves was later turned to Partial. So, yes, Dukey, you are related to him.] His idea was that he could make an all-powerful, omnipotent species, that would obey to him. He succeeded in part of this, but not all of it. As I can assume you know.

One very lucky day, a day that unfortunately comes around once a year, Demion led his followers to an abandoned and very remote place in the desert.

You see the world was so different back then. Humans and werewolves and vampires and elves all lived together freely. [Yes, Dukey, other creatures did live back then. I'm getting to that.] No one was ever at war with each other. There never was such a thing as a dominant species. Different settlements popped all over the place, humans and elves were best friends; werewolves and vampires partners. All the peace, all the truce, all the accords, all the unity ended on this very day.

Demion's followers included bits and pieces from every species: werewolves, dwarves, vampires, elves, faeries, humans, warlocks, and even a necromancer. That necromancer was me.

I was a different person back then. I said that every species loved every other species, that is true, except for one species, necromancers. There were only four of us, but we did enough damage to the world that there very well could have been 400 of us.

I was evil back then, I took souls from the helpless, so I could become immortal. I killed others so I could become more powerful. I was worse than the Powers. I was a monster.

Demion was the only person who tolerated me. It wasn't really toleration, but more of a respect. Demion had a way with supernatural beings and supernatural beings had a way with him. He had a powerful aura to him. An aura that drew creatures like me to him. No other human being I've met has had that aura. It mystified me.

Although all of Demion's followers were close to him, only one Demion trusted all of his secrets with. It was another human, his name was Drace Victor. While Drace put complete trust in Demion and followed him blindly, everyone else was a little bit scared of Demion. A scared sort of respect. No creature had ever seen a human like Demion, a power-crazed, insane, human. They respected them, but they feared what he could do.

For the first few minutes at the sight, no one had any idea what Demion was planning, everyone that is except for Drace. He was the one who came up with most of the idea after all. Everyone knew Demion was going to attempt to make an omnipotent species, they just didn't know how.

Demion then went to call up each of his closest followers of each species, even dwarves. I was the necromancer, which wasn't exactly much of a compliment considering I was the only necromancer in the group.

I stepped forward reluctantly. I had a hint about what he was about to do, but I wasn't positive.

"Now, you will all cut your arm and have your blood poor into this cup."

Demion had said at that moment.

I gulped and started backing away. This was what I had feared. I always have wondered if he knew of what great catastrophes were to come of it.

Although not one of his followers knew what was going to happen in result of doing this, so one by one they each poured their blood into the cup. Demion came up to me. There was a smirk in his eyes. He knew that I knew what he was doing.

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