Author Note

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Well, here I am, the final hurdle of my mammoth mission.  It has taken two years to get to this point, and lots of personal ups and downs.  I know what you're thinking...Cj, honey, it's a FanFiction reeeelax.  And that is true, it is just a little fanfiction, but to me it's been a little life saver.

I never would have thought pressing that publish button, one particularly pathetic January, two years ago would have led to big life changes. 

Devastated, injured, scarred, and physically damaged, I had lost a lot of myself to a cruel time.  There is no love story, no tale of great loss, no horrible villain that stole my happiness...just me.  So, I decided to start typing a story, anything at all to get me out of my own head. 

I made 'Clara' as a representation of everything I wasn't but someone I would be drawn to, and I took 'Thranduil' and effectively modelled him after my own hurt and my despair at myself. 'Legolas' was a joyful hope, the reminder that not everything should revolve around you, and that there are things and people in the world worth living for.  The addition of 'Oropher' was a surprise, he became the ghost of the person I was or could very well have been.  Other characters came and went, all facets of a changing personality. 

In essence 'To Live Again' has helped me overcome a very deep set hurt.  It has documented how far I've come in my own journey, and I absolutely never intended that.  The original draft of this story looked a lot different and was merely a comical take on the age old GIME trope.  I'm very glad my subconscious imagination took me down another path.  If it hadn't of I would never discovered that I was actually more than a useless shell of a girl.  I became a writer, a friend, a free-thinker, a philosopher, a sister, a daughter, and suddenly my life was full and busy again.  And hey, you'll never guess what I learned...I learned that the scars don't matter anymore and the monster isn't me.

So, thank you to everyone who joined me on this adventure, from all the different platforms.  Thank you for giving the story life, and in turn for giving me that same life.  I hope I can end this story in a way that will conclude the very long arc, and that it meets all your high expectations because it has been an absolute pleasure to share this story with you all.


To Live Again: Waiting Between Worlds {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now